Frazee Elementary remains in person, high school may switch to hybrid soon
News | Published on January 6, 2021 at 12:40pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0By Barbie Porter
As Christmas break ends with ringing in a new year, the students and parents of Frazee-Vergas School District may be wondering what the next few months have in store.

Frazee-Vergas Superintendent Terry Karger said the way the students entered break is how they will return. That means kindergarten through sixth grade will be in school, learning with direct contact from teachers as they have been since September.
The high school, which includes grades 7-12, started with a hybrid model, meaning students went to class twice a week, had two days of at home learning and then Fridays were reserved for additional help from teachers.
The learning model for the high school switched to distance learning (at home only) a few months ago due to staff members being placed on quarantine due to close contact with a COVID positive person.
Karger said if the data allows, they hope to return to a hybrid model on Jan. 19.
The data administration is reviewing has multiple facets. Karger noted the county data is reviewed as well as information specific to the school district. Discussions are also had with a regional support team with medical professionals to provide additional guidance.
“If the data looks favorable, we may go to a hybrid model, but we will see in a few weeks,” Karger said.
As far as staff members getting the COVID-19 vaccine, Karger said the first tier of people getting the shot include medical professionals and then senior citizens in nursing homes. The next tier includes school staff, Karger said.
While further information is not known, as far as where one can go to get vaccinated when their turn arrives, Karger said there will be a free saliva test kit provided to all staff.
Karger said the saliva tests and the vaccine when available are not mandatory, but rather an opportunity that is being provided.