Public hearing set for proposed church to be built in Red Willow
News | Published on February 18, 2021 at 6:43am EST | Author: Chad Koenen
By Barbie Porter
Building the new United Methodist Church in Frazee is still set to begin in the spring. However, there are steps to be taken prior to building the newest house of worship in city limits.
The first step of the process is to get the blessing of the Frazee Planning Commission to allow the church to be built. The proposed parcel for development is a corner lot at the intersection of Red Willow Drive and Ninth Street NW. The was designated for a church since the inception of the housing development. The church-owned land parcel is zoned R-1, so a conditional use permit is needed, said Frazee City Council member Mike Sharp.
The city building instructor, Ben Riewer, is a member of the planning commission. He was asked if he’d seen plans for the structure. Riewer said he had seen preliminary plans done by BHH in Perham. He recalled the structure was about 4,000 square feet. As for off-street parking, Riewer said that need was “on their radar.”
The commission agreed to recommend the city council hold a public hearing in March regarding the church construction. If the council moves froward the planning commisison also asked the city administrator to send notificatino letters to those living near where the proposed church would be built.
The former church building, which is located on the corner of Second Street NE and Birch Avenue, was sold to the CornerStone group for $500. The CornerStone group is transforming the space into a youth center, which will provide a bistro, youth activity area and more.