Frazee Fire Department fundraiser draws a crowd
News | Published on July 5, 2021 at 1:04pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0By Barbie Porter
The Frazee Fire Department hosted its annual pancake breakfast on Sunday, June 27.

The Frazee Fire Department members had all the griddles filled with flapjacks and plenty of friendly chatter for the visitors at the annual pancake breakfast.
Frazee Fire Chief Joe Nelson said the area community members came out in force, with a better than average attendance.
The breakfast option offered sit down meals as well as to-go and a drive-thru option. Nelson said the opportunity to sit and chat with neighbors, friends and strangers was a big draw for many and the most popular of the three options.
“People did use the drive-thru; that was a hit as well,” Nelson said, noting many used the drive-thru when the line for the sit down service was long.

The funds raised were still being counted, so the tally was not known at the time the paper went to print. The department hopes to purchase a second portable pump that can be used to battle fires in rural areas near a water source, such as a lake or river.
With about 20 fire fighters hosting the event, the fun can always use more new faces and Nelson encouraged anyone interested in becoming a firefighter to stop by the city hall and grab an application.