Sander’s Oil tanks to be removed
News | Published on July 5, 2021 at 1:42pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
The Sander’s Oil sign has been removed and the underground tanks are set to be removed as well.
Second Hwy. 87 public meeting to be held
By Barbie Porter
At the Frazee Economic Development Authority meeting on Tuesday, June 29, Frazee City Administrator Jordin Roberts informed the group that the gas tanks at the defunct Sander’s Oil gas station are in the process of being removed.
Roberts provided the news through an email she received from State Highway 87 Project Manager Thomas Pace. Pace is overseeing the planning and preparation for the construction project of the main artery through town, which is also known as Lake Street.
Sander’s Oil is along the downtown project corridor, just past the corner of Main Avenue and Lake Street.
In an email, Pace stated the sign and concrete it is attached too will be removed, as well as the concrete slab over the tanks. The tanks are also set for removal.
“Lloyd Feldt construction company in Detroit Lakes will be hauling the concrete out and granular fill back in to fill the voids,” Pace stated in his email. “Than he is required to place six inches of class five or crushed concrete to replace the concrete. There is another company that is supposed to come and get the tanks the same day.”
The email goes on to state it is believed the tanks are about 6 feet from the street and there are three tanks, one with a capacity of 2,000 gallons, another with 1,000 gallons and a third with 350 gallon capacity.
Second public hearing
for State Highway 87
to be held
A second public hearing will be held regarding State Highway 87.
During a special meeting of the Frazee City Council on Tuesday, June 29, Ultieg Engineer Kris Carlson explained the venue of the meeting was moved to the event center from the fire hall. While there was a note on the door at the fire hall stating the meeting had moved to the event center, a second meeting will be offered to ensure all residents have an opportunity to ask questions about the utility part of the project.
The State Highway 87 project scheduled for 2022. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is leading the street work and the city is leading the water and sewer utility line replacements along Lake Street (from Second Avenue to Main Avenue).
The project costs were stated to be about $850,000 for the utility portion of the project, which is assessable.
During the special council meeting the amount was stated to be about $906,000. Roberts explained in an interview after the meeting that the amount presented at the special council meeting would be the estimated loan amount, if no grants were received.

The State Highway 87 project, which is known as Lake Street in city limits of Frazee, will have an updated look once the work concludes in 2022.
The project area was stated to have 27 properties that would incur assessments, according to Carlson, who said at the first hearing that a lot with 80 feet of frontage would be assessed about $19,000 (if not grant funding were received).
Both the sewer and water utility lines date back to 1973, and the useful life of the service lines is 40 years.
The water main would the current 6-inch pipe increase to 8-inch pipe. The water hydrants would be replaced, as well as the valves and service laterals.
The sewer, made of vitrified clay, is cracking, sagging and has other issues. The new pipe would be 8-inch PVC sewer main and manholes. The work would also include new service laterals.