21 Doubles the fun Turkey Days Road Rally
News | Published on July 22, 2021 at 11:46am EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Teresa Newling, Gini Thon, Karen Feldt, Danita Ketter, Lynn Tappe, Lisa Piper and Ta Fett are gearing up for the road rally.
Danita Ketter is again chairing the Frazee Turkey Days Road Rally which is themed “21 Doubles the Fun.” The Road Rally will start at the Frazee Essentia Clinic parking lot with registration from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and the first car leaving at 12 p.m. The cost is $20 per team. Participants can expect an approximately two hour adventure.
The Road Rally theme is “21 Doubles the Fun” is a reference to blackjack, gambling, luck, high rollers and casinos. All participants are encouraged to dress up to the theme, decorate their vehicle and gain bonus points for presentation before even leaving Frazee.
Participants are given clues at the beginning of the Road Rally to help them reach various destinations along the way. Some activities will require puzzle solving skills, some will require knowledge of gambling, some will require easy physical activity, skills in observation, and some things will be up to chance. Safety is a top priority and participants are reminded to follow all traffic laws.
Awards will be given to 1st and 2nd Place, Best in Show, Spirit Award, and Rookie Award.
“In 2019 there were 15 groups who participated in the Road Rally. We hope to match or beat that number this year. The committee has been working on a fun route with lots of fun adventures along the way.” Road Rally Chairperson, Danita Ketter. If you have any questions, please contact Danita Ketter at (218) 396-0639.