Grant is just under $900,000 

By Barbie Porter


Frazee High School Principal Anna Potvin’s hard work brought a large chunk of additional funding to the district. 

During the monthly board meeting, Superintendent Terry Karger announced Potvin had applied for a grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services and was awarded the funds that will total $888,844 at the end of five years.

The grant will afford the district the opportunity to bring aboard a full-time grant coordinator to create a coalition of community members to work towards addressing substance use by the youth, among other things.

The funds also allow the district to hire a part-time media consultant, which is required by the grant. The funds are to also be used to purchase equipment, furniture and office supplies the new employees would need.

Karger said there are no direct costs to the district regarding the additional employees provided by the grant. He then commended the principal and congratulated her for obtaining the grant.