Emery Clairmont recently moved to Frazee with her mom Alisha Schulke. The two enjoyed Turkey Days and the cotton candy whipped up on Main Avenue by the CornerStone group.Albert Doll (from left) and his wife Jennifer teamed up with Tom Golkowski and Nancy and Darrell wick for the Road Rally adventure.acob Hall, 3, slid down the inflatable water slide to his father Andy Hall. The Detroit Lakes residents visited town and attended the Harvest Church Family Night on Friday, July 23, which included free games, music and an outdoor movie. Kendal Ware (left) and Lynea Krejce co-chaired Turkey Days 2021. The two announced the Mystery Gobblers, Ken Miosek and Sharon Jons, had been identified. The two people that won the Mystery Gobbler prizes were Lynn Tappe and Theresa Newling.Rachael Courneya gave a peppy, fun song performance during the Variety Show Fundraiser.Elaine (Heston) Damschen (from left), Lisa Heston and Aisa Heston traveled from Idaho to visit Fsrazee family members Mark Heston and Darin Heston. Aisa and Darin joined the Turkey Trot 5K and both placed. They celebrated with family in a victory jump in front of the Big Turkey Tom statute.Keela Hanson of Detroit Lakes (left) jousted with her friend Annikah Blauert of Frazee during Turkey Days. Adults and kids enjoyed the turkey toss on Saturday, July 24. Brikker Ware and other members of the community club tossed stuffed turkeys from the roof of Ketters.Braxton Ware was all smiles while competing in the kid’s water fights during Turkey Days.