Gruenes family to serve all visitors pancakes
News | Published on August 9, 2021 at 11:56pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Twin Spruce Farm hosts Breakfast on the Farm Aug. 14
The Twin Spruce Farm will host this year’s East Otter Tail Breakfast on the Farm on Saturday, Aug. 14 from 7 a.m. until 12 p.m. The farm is located at 48285 County Highway 51, Perham (follow the signs).
Arnie and Kris Gruenes and their seven children will show visitors around the farm, as well as provide a pancake and sausage breakfast.
The Gruenes family purchased Twin Spruce Farm a few years ago, but dairy farming has been in Arnie’s blood his whole life. He was raised with the work ethic and daily commitment of a dairy farmer and when he became old enough to start his own career, he followed in his parent’s footsteps. In 1989 he opened a dairy farm across the road from his folks.
Arnie said his family now owns two dairy operations, with one near Perham. He said each operation has about 1,300 dairy cows.
“We keep busy once in a while,” he joked.
Before they purchased the Perham farm it had sat empty for about 31/2 years. The Gruenes decided to purchase it as their seven kids grew older, four showed interest in joining dairy farming.
“We chose to take on another venture and grow our operation so we would have room for all those in our family who wanted to be part of it.”
Arnie Gruenes
When the Gruenes purchased the rural Perham farm, renovations were the first step in getting it operational. A complete remodel of the site was done before the first cows were brought to the farm in September 2020.
Arnie said the family had contemplated an open house, so the community could get a look a the renovations and dairy operation. Around the same time the Breakfast on the Farm committee approached him and suggested he host the 2021 event, as it would be the first operating dairy farm to have it.
Arnie said his family decided the Breakfast on the Farm event would be fun while showing the community the work they have done as well as answer questions people may have about a dairy farm. Local 4H members will also be bringing animals for visitors to see and there will be tours through the dairy barns.
The East Otter Tail Breakfast on the Farm opportunity aims to promote the agricultural industry and provide opportunities for all to gain knowledge about the farmers who provide for the nation.
“The purpose of Breakfast on the Farm is to bring together consumers with the families that produce their food,” the organization’s website reads. “This will give them a chance to ask questions about how their food is grown or to just simply visit over a cup of coffee. In addition to the breakfast there will be education booths set up around the farm.”
The proceeds will be partially reinvested for future Breakfast on the Farm events and the majority of funds will be donated to a variety of youth organizations in the area.