Pro-golfer from Frazee seeks sponsorships
News | Published on August 9, 2021 at 11:45pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Hanson competes in the Mn State Open
By Barbie Porter
Pro golfer Beau Hanson entered the Minnesota State Open Championship and struggled with his middle game and concluded his bid for top honors early.
The event was held on Tuesday, July 13 through Thursday, July 15 in Chaska, Minn. and saw big names like Cecil Belisle, Derek Hitchner and Ben Greve.

Hanson said his driver was on point and his putter put the ball in the hole, but the middle game was “lackluster.”
“Sometimes you just know you don’t have it, and I didn’t have it,” he said. “I was missing by a little bit and the ball would trickle to a hazard. It wasn’t a wide margin, but I was missing enough to cost more than it should have.”
The competition hasn’t left Hanson off his game though, as he understands all golfers have off days. Such wisdom has been gained from years of playing golf at the professional level.
The son of Monica and Randall Hanson, of rural Frazee, turned pro after winning the amateur Detroit Lakes tournament Pine to Palm in 2016. He joined the Outlaw Tour, which is an extension of the Golden State Golf Tour held in Arizona. He’s also joined tournaments in North Dakota and competed at open events in both Minnesota and North Dakota. The tours in Arizona will occasionally bring in the top names that are contenders in the British open, whereas the northern events tend to be in regional pros.
To continually improve his game, practice and regular swinging are needed. Hanson took a job with a golf course, which provided him with unlimited access to the course. With the practice side of the game covered, Hanson said his focus is now on finding sponsorships.
Hanson explained competitions are not free, and pro entry fees can be upwards of $800 or more.
“On average, I try and play a tournament once a month,” he said. “But, I practice and play every day.”
Any companies or people interested in sponsoring the local pro golfer can contact him at
The 2012 Frazee High School graduate was a notable standout in Minnesota lakes country when he took the state championship in 2010. He also had a solid career at the college level, where he earned a degree at the University of Little Rock, Ark in business marketing. At the D-II school he saw competitors on the golf courses that also had strong skill sets, much like at the pro level.
“The game at this level can be humbling,” he said. “It gets rid of egos quickly.”
If it weren’t for a deep seeded love of the game, many pro players may fade away under the shadows of the big names that join events. However, Hanson looks forward to the opportunity to improve his game and appreciates the grind of keeping focused while on a tour.
“It can get intense, but all the pro guys are good, honest guys,” he said.