Champions crowned at Wolf Lake Harvest Fest
News | Published on August 27, 2021 at 4:35pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Ryan Sharp and Dan Warmblood took first in the bean bag tournament during Wolf Lake Harvest Fest.
The Wolf Lake Harvest Fest brought in the fun and plenty of people joined the festivities. The winners of the 2021 Wolf Lake Harvest Fest contests were:
• Susi Jarvi Charm Finders:Jade Skoog, Shanna Skoog and Layne Kumpula.
• Wolf Lake Royalty: Miss Wolf Lake Desarae Kohrs; Miss Wolf Lake Princess Kaiden Langford; Jr. Miss Wolf Lake Gillian Pope; Wolf Lake Jr. Princess Alexis Davidson; Little Miss Wolf Lake Lydia Budzien and Wolf Lake Little Princess Amelia Hrdlicka.
• 5K Walk/Run’s Fastest Overall: Emily Skoog of Wolf Lake with a time of 24:55.
Winners by categories included:
Male 9 years of age and younger was won by Grady Anderson, a 7-year-old from Wolf Lake, who recroded a time of 25:35; second went to Silas Aho, 8, Wolf Lake, 29:30 and third was Darius Aho, 6, Wolf Lake, 32:15.
The category for males between 10-14 years-old was won by Bodin Anderson, 10, Wolf Lake, with a time of 27:38. Anton Anderson, 11, Wolf Lake took second with a time of 27:39.
In the female category for 10-14 year olds, Lydia Aho, 10, and Kylie Anderson, both of Wolf Lake took first with a time of 41:33.
In the male category for ages 30-39, Nick Skoog, 32, Wolf Lake, placed first with a time of 27:10.
In the category for females 30-39-years-of-age, Emily Skoog, 32, Wolf Lake, took first with a time of 24.55; Morgan Anderson, 31, Wolf Lake, placed second with a time of 25:03 and Amanda Aho, 34, Wolf Lake, took third by finishing with a time of 41:32.
In the category of males 40 and older, Carl Peterson, 57, Menahga earned first with a time of 29:48.
• Pedal Tractor Pull also had age categories associated with the event competition. In the 5-year-old class, taking first was Colton Sayer, followed by Amelia Hrdlicka in second and Gail Aho for third.
In the six-year-old class, first went to Matilda Skoog, second, Samuel Aho, and third, Emery Aho.
In the seven-year-old class, Flynn Yliniemi took first with second going to Celia Issacson.
In the eight-year-old class, Everett Aho took first, followed by Hunter Edwards and Raina Anderson.
In the nine-year-old class, first place went to Alaina Davidson.
In the 10-year-old class, first palce went to Layne Kumpula, second was Bodin Anderson and Rafe Aho placed third.
In the 11-year-old class first place belonged to Anton Anderson and second place, Olivia Budza.
• The Coloring Contest brought in the creative artists. Earning top prizes were: Armor Skoog (1-3 year olds), Reyna Aho (4-6), Holly Aho (7-9) and Melanie Vonada (10-12).
• Bean Bag Toss Tournament winners were Ryan Sharp and Dan Warmbold for first, Dustin Burkman and Harv Burkman for second and third went to Nate Peterson and Carl Peterson.
• The Obstacle Course winners were: Drew Aho, 14 Frazee, 0:59, for first; Daniel Olson, 13, Menahga, 1:23 for second; Miles Alajoki, 12 Menahga, 1:36 for third.
• Mud Run winners were:
In the 35-inch Tire and Bigger category Dave Kriens of Menagha took first with 0:12. Second went to Jesse Flath of New York Mills, 117 feet feet and third place belonged to Donovan Jahnke of Frazee with 116 feet.
In the 34-inch Tire and Smaller category, first place went to Jeff Felt of Osage, 0:29. Second place belonged to Steve Luedke of Menahga, 1:00 and third, Craig Hansen with 126 feet.
• The Raffle Winners were: 1st Place $500: John Laitinen; 2nd Place $250: Gary Harvala; 3rd Place $100: Chris May; 4th Place $50: Bobby Jager; 5th Place $50:Nikki Clancy; 6th Place $25: Darwin Feldt and 7th Place $25: Melinda Davidson.