EDA gets update on downtown commercial site
News | Published on September 3, 2021 at 5:19pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
The downtown commercial building in Frazee has had the footings andfoundations walls poured.
County asks what EDA would do with acreage near industrial park
By Barbie Porter
The Frazee Economic Development Authority was requested to pay $31,347 for the downtown commercial building project.
During the EDA’s monthly meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 31, the group asked the cost of additional work added to provide a proper base for the building. The contractor who removed the former furniture building allegedly failed to fully remove the basement structures, replaced the lot with inadequate fill and did not compact the site to have it build ready. That resulted in the current contractor, Bristlin Construction removing replacing the fill as well as compacting the site.
The EDA agreed to hold off paying the first bill until the cost of the additions to the project were discussed. The group also approved allowing the EDA President Hank Ludtke and City Administrator Jordin Roberts to pay the bill, once information is gathered.
In an email provided later to EDA members and the press, the construction company gave an update on the progress, stating footings for the building were poured on Aug. 26 and forms for the foundation walls began Aug. 30.
“The foundation walls are expecting to be poured on or before this Friday, Sept. 3 to allow for a weekend curing,” the email stated. “The excavator is scheduled for Tuesday, the 7th to begin interior and exterior backfill and compaction.”
The email added the schedule is roughly one month behind.
In another email the EDA was informed about why the soil excavation costs were not included on the recent bill.
“The soils correction C.O. was not included on this pay app due to the fact it was not (and still is not completed) pending additional filling and compaction in the area that was approved to be cored out and re-filled and compacted with engineered fill, via site observation meeting on Friday Aug. 13th,” wrote Clinton Nodland, senior project manager.
While the city’s business growth is underway, the EDA heard from Becker County Economic Development/Parks and Recreation Coordinator Guy Fischer about the potential for residential growth.
He explained the county owns land near the city’s industrial park, about 16 acres of which he said about 10 is buildable. If the land were presented to the EDA he asked what the intentions would be for development.
Ludtke noted the land is west of the Red Willow Heights development “behind Marine Innovations.”
Ludtke said if the commercial building sold, the EDA would be open to considering residential development on the site.
The city is also working on creating a new brand and a new look to one of the welcome to Frazee signs. During the council meeting logos were shown to the council and those in attendance.
Roberts said suggestions were given and notes taken from those offering feedback. The designers are reviewing those recommendations and including them into the revised work.