Successful blood drive collects 59 units
News | Published on September 30, 2021 at 11:13am EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
The Vergas blood drive collected 59 units of blood on Sept. 14.
Vergas community hosted a blood drive with Vitalant on Sept. 14 at Vergas Event Center which helped collect a total of 59 units of blood products for patients in need.
A total of 59 individuals volunteered to donate blood and 53 individuals were able to donate at the Vitalant blood drive. A total of six donors also came forward to donate Power Red Cells (2RBC) which collects two units of red blood cells while returning platelets, plasma and a saline solution back to the donor. There were three people who volunteered for the first time.
Connie Breitzman coordinated the drive and the Vergas Lions Club which sponsored it.
Living through a pandemic can lead to many uncertainties, although constant is the need for blood never ceases.
Blood is only useable for 42 days, so a constant supply is always needed, no matter the season. Each day in this region to keep up with patient needs including preemies, surgery patients, accident victims and those battling cancer, 250 volunteer blood donors are needed daily.
Donors can make a convenient appointment to give blood at or by calling 877-25-VITAL. Blood donation takes about an hour from check-in to refreshments, while the blood draw typically taking less than 10 minutes. Donors can save about 20 minutes by completing a Health History Questionnaire the day they donate on