Church drive-by set for Oct. 8
News | Published on October 7, 2021 at 2:01pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Frazee will host its Fall Dinner on Friday, Oct. 8 with a drive-by service.
Get served a homecooked meal for the family
By Barbie Porter
The much-loved and highly anticipated Fall Dinner at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Frazee has arrived.
On Friday, Oct. 8 from 5-7 p.m. a turkey steak dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, glazed carrots, cole slaw and dessert will be served in a drive by service at the church (210 E. Maple Ave.) for a freewill offering.
Mary Jane Beyer said the meals-to-go are a big hit as it provides home cooked dinners for the whole family.
The church treasurer said donations from the event find their way to many goodwill opportunities.
“After the event we have a committee that decides where to disperse the money,” Beyer said. “Half of the profits go to away missions and half stay at home within the church or the community.”
Area funding may include paying for a radio broadcast of the Sunday sermon, to local missions and organizations, a fund the pastor can disperse to community members who are in need and more. The church roof also received repairs in recent years through the funds raised.
The drive-by event began last year as COVID-19 prevented indoor gatherings. However, the church wanted to provide a meal opportunity for area residents, as well as continue raising funds for local organizations like the crisis centers and food pantries.
Beyer said when the church was planning the Fall Dinner, the group was unsure if an inside event could be held, as the COVID-19 number has climbed in the region. They opted to continue with the drive by option this year.
She shared many people attend that may not attend the sit-down gathering, as they could be on their way home from work and this offers them a chance to bring dinner home, as opposed to going home, picking up the family and going back to the church for a meal.
Signs will be up along Lake Street directing people to turn on Maple Avenue. After turning into the church parking lot, volunteers will collect donations, ask how many meals are needed and drivers will continue on around to the church’s back entrance where the food will be delivered.
Beyer said a big help to the event has been the youth of the church. She said they are the messengers to the chefs. After the number of meals are ordered, a young set of legs sprints to the kitchen to tell them the order, and the youth then delivers the number of meals to the back door.
“This year we asked for 12 volunteers,” Beyer said. “But I don’t think we need that many because they are so quick.”