School tackles confusion over land ownership
News | Published on November 3, 2021 at 2:50pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0School, city land being reviewed

Frazee School Board member Tyler Trieglaff reviewed land ownership documents with Superintendent Terry Karger and fellow board member Nathan Matejka (not pictured).
By Barbie Porter
The city of Frazee and Frazee-Vergas School District have shared land, so to speak, for decades. A running joke that a small portion of the elementary is situated on city land has been a running joke at several council and school board meetings.
There is no tension between the school or city, but both entities agreed it is time to clear up uncertainties and fix land issues.
During the school’s Budget and Facilities Committee meeting on Thursday, Oct. 28, the targeted areas of concern were discussed. District Superintendent Terry Karger said the school is working with a land attorney to determine ownership of the parcels, as well as recorded lot lines.
Karger emphasized the findings they were about to review were preliminary, meaning new evidence could arise and change.

The area in the outline border was determined to be owned by the city, which includes the elementary gym and playground.
The first parcel reviewed includes the high school parking lot and River Side Park. For years it was thought the parking lot and building that houses Twice Blessed (thrift store) and the library was on city property.
Karger said, the parcel appears to be owned by the school. He reiterated, the finding had yet to be confirmed beyond initial inspection of parcel information.
The second parcel reviewed was near the elementary school and abuts Becker County Highway 29. There is a portion of land where ownership is unknown. The area in question extends from the elementary school almost to the county highway and follows the pedestrian path. Karger said there is a gap of about 20 feet between known parcels.
The third parcel reviewed showed two ball diamonds that are adjacent to North River Road are owned by the city.
North River Road, which has access from State Highway 87 and County Highway 29, has been looked at for street development. The road would allow access to the student parking lot and sports complex set to be built at the school next year, as well as potential access to the proposed regional Wannigan Park. The park would abut school grounds north of the elementary.
The committee leading the park development contacted the school and stated it would like to be involved in helping with road development, potentially through grand writing.
The next parcel reviewed that includes a most of an elementary gym, its playground, part of the school track and all the way to the river was determined to be owned by the city.
There were also multiple areas found, which were likely created years ago for road easements, some of which go through a ball diamond or school.
Karger said once the lawyer has a final determination of land rights, discussions could begin with the city to have the issues addressed.
Board member Tyler Trieglaff said he would provide Karger with contact information for the city engineer.