How to cook a turkey – Frazee School
News | Published on November 22, 2021 at 5:41pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
Mrs. Jensen’s class recipes
First, I am going to hunt it. Next, I am going to take the skin of. Then, I am going to cook it for 8h and the tempter is 350 dgrese. Last, I am going to put sesening on it.
Tucker A.
First, Mark and dad are gun going hunting next, I am gunna pul the feths off. Then, 25 dgrer Last hav a fest
First, I will go to the store and get a turkey. Next, I will put the turkey in a pan. Then, pout the pan on the stove and cook it. Last, I will eat the turkey!
Gunner H.
First, hunt for the turkey. next, skin it and put sum seeseing on it. the poot it in the grill at 200 dugrees. Last, I will eat the legs.
Kash K
First I am going to the store. Next, skin it and put sawre crem on it. Then, I will put it in the avin at 95 minits. Last, we eat it.
Jase S.
First, I am going to hunt a turkey. Next, I am going to take of it’s fethers and skin it. Then, I will put it in the oven for 1 hour. Last, I will serve it to my family!
Adalynne F.
First, get it at the stroe. Next, put it in water. Then, cook it for 1 Hr and 20 mints. Last, eat the turkey!
First, I will biy a turkey. Next, I wil pinappl on the turey Then, I will pit it on 4 to 8 mins the uvim. Last eat it.
First, we are going to git to hunt the turkey. Next, we put sesirg on it. Then, we put it for 20 mins. Last, it is delishus.
First, I will hunt it. next I will pout soult on it. then, I will coock it for 5 minits. Last, eat it and share it with my family.
Finn B.
First we are going to the store to get a turkey. Next we are going to pot sesony on it. We cook it for 28 minis. We are going to eat it.
Kenzie O
First we go to the turkey fram. Next I like plukin the feathrs off and putting pepr and sult on it. Then we cook the turkey for 1h and 30m at 200 dgrees. Last we dig in.
Piper Maring
First, we go buy the turkey. Next, we find a crock pot and put seaneing on it. Then, you turn on the crock pot for 30 min with the turkey in it. Last, you eat it!!
Wesley A.
First, I will go and shoot it rite in the hrt. next, I will gut it rile good. Then, I will put it in the uvine at 300 gres for 10 mines. Last, I will et the turkey.
Gryson A.
First, I hunt a trkey. next, I cut the sken of and pluk the fethrs. Then, I put it in the croc pot and cook it for 1 hour. Last, I cut it up and eat it.
Charlotte P.
First, I will hunt the turkey. Next, I will chope it. Then, I will cook it at 1,000,000 dgrese, Put it in the uvin for 1,000,000 minits. Last put it on the plait.
Easton R.
First, I will by it at the grocry store. Next I will put some seesing, hot-saue, and cut it. Then, I will cook it in the oven for 30 minits. last, I will eat it.
Allie P.
First, get it from a store. Next, take the plastic off. Then, I am going to cook it for 20 minets. Last, someone is going to eat it.
Jack M.
First, I will go to the shop. Next, I will take the skin off. Then, I use a fire for 30 minits. Last, I will eat!
Liv I.
First, buy it from the stor. next, we will put som sesning on it. Then, put the uvin at 400 dugres and put it in for half hour. Last, eat it.
Gavin J.
First, you hunt the turkey. Next, you shave the turkey. Then, you put the turkey in the uvin 20 minits. Last, you take it out and eat it.
Mrs. Larson’s class recipes

I will go to a bron and git a tuntey. take of the scin. Put it in a pan put it in the uvin at 50 degree’s 21 hours. I dip it in gravy and eat it.
First we go to Lmn and buy a turkey so it can groe in to a big turkey Next, cill it and scin it and then we sesin it then, and put it in the Ovien on 555 degrees. Last, we go to our grama.
Jace Hanson
First, I’m going to walmrat to get a turkey. Put sesing on it. I take the legs off and put it in the oven. Put oven on for 60. The turkey will cook for 5 hours. So my family eats the turkey.
First, I go to farm to get a turkey next, tacke oof the in. Put stufing in it salt and pepr then, cook it in the pot 41 bugre’s and 2 hours Last, me and my family eat.
First we go to a turkey farm and buy a tukey. Next we skin it and then whash it then put it in a pan. Then we put it in the oven for 88 dogres and 9 hours. Last we go to our grandma and invite avyono.
First, you go to wellmart and bye a jeno turkey. Next, you seesin how ever you wont. Then you put it in the oven for two minits at 99 dgrees for innit. Last eat it how ver you wont.
First, go to the turkey farm and buy a four pownd turkey. Next, skin the turkey, sean, and put it in a pan. Then, put the turkey in the oven for hafe an hour. Last, how are you going to eat the turkey with my family.
First, Im go to git my turkey at a frm. Next, I put my turkey oll out to dfoshe. Put srt and pepr on my turkey. Then, I put it on a pan in the avin at 20 degrees 29 rs. Last, my mom, nana and papa cumin to eat turkey wit me.
First, you go shoping at a turkey farm and get a turkey. Next, you skin the turkey, wash the turkey, and seasin the turkey how ever you want. Then, you put the turkey in the oven at 55 degrees and a half an hour. Last, you eat it with you family.
Chevy Becher
First I have to get it at target. next I have to bring it home. then I have to skin it an wash it and seasen it. last I have to cook it and have a feast.
First go to wallmart and buy a turkey. Next skin it, wash it and put it on a big pan. Then put it in the oven for 95 min at 95 Degres. Last eat it with my family.
First, get it at wellmart. next, you season it with solt and peper. then you put it in the oven for 1 hour at 10 degrees. last eat the turkey.
First, you have to go to a turkey farm. Next, you skin the turkey. Then, you pout it in the oven at 2 degrees for 40 senkents. Last, you have a feste.
First go git a turkey at a barn. Next you sesen it with pepper. Then tacke the fethers off. Last my family comes then we ete it
First, you need to buy it at the stor. Next, you need seesning and this is what you need four seesing, peper and salt. Then you need to put in the uven four 90 degrees. Last, you need to eat it with your family.
Rice Olson
You have to go to the store and get the turkey. Seson it with salt and pepper and cook it at 500 Degres for 15 hoers. You have to take of the skins. You have to eat it.
First, we get it from walmart. next, we sesen it with salt and peper. Then, we put it in for 95 degres. Next, we put it in for 20 minites. Last, we go to my grandmas and eat the turkey.
Mrs. Schwan’s class recipes

First, get the turkeys dish ready. Get the turkey! Next, must be slatherd in sos and then cook the turkey. Then, the turkey shuod be done then put it with the rest of the food. Last, you joyn your family for the diner.
Emery Ensrud
I would get the turkey In the woods. I take the fethers off. Put in the new oven to 40 dgrees. Take it out of the oven. Let it cool down. Then, put gravy on it. Last, my famiy eats the turkey.
Eli Aho
First, Backe The turkey at a hot temperat. Next, git the turkey. Then Put it on a Plate. Last, Pick up and take a bite.
Jocelynn Manss
First add seasoring. next the turkey. Than you go cook the turkey. You put the turkey in a oven then you wiat. and you have to put 50 degrees.
Roylee Witt
First, I would get everything ready. next, I would get egg and milk. Then, I would cook it in a pot. Last, an then it ready to eat it.
First I would get everything ready. next I would get ingredients for the crock pot. Then I would cook the turkey for 50 mimnie. Last the turkey smells good.
First, I think grandma shoots the turkey. Next, I had never looked at how long she cooks the turkey. Then she takes the turkey out. The stuffing is not in the turkey. Last, we eat as a big family.
Marshall Ruiz
I found a turkey in the woods so I shot it. I brought it home to pout it in the oven. The temperter was super hot. I pout in the freezer. the next day I got it pout it on the table. Then I ate it with gravy, potatoes and a chicken leg.
Orrin Elijah
First, put a turkey in a pan. Next, put seasoning on the turkey. Then cook the turkey in the oven for 6 hours. Last, you take it out of oven and enjoy.
First, you cook it at The right teampter. Then get spices. Next, get the turkey out of oven. Then stuff it with potoes and gravy. Then, decorate the outside with flowers and make vetern pictres. Last, decrate The Table and eat.
Felix Feuillerat
First, I will put Hunter’s blend on the turkey. Next, I will put it in the oven at 53 degrees. Then I will take it out of the oven. Last, share with yore whole family.
James Piekarski
First, I would set the oven for 3-4 to greas. Next, I would poot the spices on. Then I would poot it in the oven. Last, I would eat it yum.
Molly Kivi-Lex
First, I will buy a turkey and put it in the ufin. Next, I will bake it 10 m. Then put spices on it. Last, I will put on it gravy then cut it up and put the turkey on a pate.
Grayson Skramsted
First, buy evuryth you need to cook the turkey. Next, prehete the uvin, and put it in the uvin Then put it in for 120 minits. Last kut it up, and eat it.
Austin Colvin
First, you need to get a roaster. Next, get a turkey. Then put it in the oven at 100 degrees. Last, and then share it with my family.
Aubriannah Delair
First, every thing needs to be ready to cook the turkey. Next, set the temperture for 60 Degres. Then put in the oven. Last, spice the turkey.
Hazel Pickner
First, I need to buy it at wal-Mart. Next, I need to thaw it. then I need to stuff it. then i need to cook it for an hour. Last, Now it’s ready! now you can eat it. Happy thanks giving.
Ethan Bracken
First, put the turkey in a pot. Next, put the turkey in the stove. Then leave it in for one hour at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Last, take it out and dig in and it will be delicious!
Carter Behrmann
First, git Everything. Next, stuffing it. Then cook it at 56 degrees. Last, Then eat it with my dad.
Shaelynn Herdina
First, we catch it with a net. Next, we are going to put it in the oven. Then we are going to put spices on it. Last, we are going to eat the turkey.
Freya Heggem