New refrigerator coming to Vergas Liquor Store
News | Published on December 22, 2021 at 5:20pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0Council rolls over additinal streets funds for upcoming street work projects

The Vergas City Municipal Liquor Store is slated to get another refrigerator as well as receive interior paint updating.
By Barbie Porter
The Vergas Municipal Liquor Store will be adding a new refrigerator case with three sliding doors.
During the Vergas City Council meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 14, Vergas City Clerk Julie Lammers said Kyle Theisen, manager of the municipal store, asked for another refrigerator case as the one they currently have is full. The cost for the additional cooling area was about $5,000 and it was noted the funds would be pulled from the liquor store enterprise fund.
Lammers added when the refrigerator arrived, some shelving would be removed. She added that Theisen also plans to give the store a new coat of paint during his work hours, which would be a store upgrade for the cost of paint and supplies.
The council approved adding seal coating for Park View, Altona and Hill streets to the county bid for 2022. It was noted 4,624 feet needed a seal coat on those roads. If the bid was higher than expected, Vergas City Utilities Superintendent Mike DuFrane said the city can decline the work without a financial penalty.
The council also looked at remaining funds in the streets account and agreed to roll over the amount of about $15,000 to help save for more expensive maintenance road projects that are on the horizon.
Also to do with streets, the council heard Townline Road residents agreed to allow brush to be cut that is encroaching on the gravel surface while easements are being worked out.
Along the roads coming into town are snowmobile trails. The trail from the public beach to downtown has caused some concern, as the city wants the snowmobilers to stay off the paved path, but also wants to provide access for the recreational riders.
The council discussed the upcoming winter route into town with DuFrane, who was stated to be a member of the snowmobile club that grooms trails in the area. Discussion was had about marking a snowmobile path adjacent to the trail to give riders access to downtown Vergas.
In other discussion during the monthly council meeting, the council approved reimbursing the Vergas Lions for three months use of the Vergas Event Center. It was noted the facility was closed from January through March due to the COVID-19 numbers being high in Otter Tail County. Because the facility was closed the club was not able to host their monthly meetings at the venue. The total reimbursement amount was stated to be $225.