New stat panels installed at Frazee School
News | Published on January 25, 2022 at 4:13pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0Sponsorship opportunities still available

New stat panels were installed in the gym at Frazee High School. The panels were added to the existing scoreboard at the school.
By Chad Koenen
Have you ever wondered how many points your favorite player has scored while attending a game at Frazee High School? How about how close they are to fouling out, or if they are nearing double digits in kills in volleyball? Thanks to a new addition in the high school gym you will need to wonder no more.
A new stats panel was added to one of the existing scoreboards in the high school gym. The scoreboards were purchased in 2014 and retrofitted to add the expansive panels to allow fans to get a bit more detail about their favorite team and athletes.
The panels were added on Jan. 17 and the new scoreboard was relocated to another part of the gym to improve the viewing experience for streaming games.
Frazee Activities Director Nick Courneya said the new stat panels has been something that people have brought up to him for a number of years.
“Since I had been here, people had been asking about stat panels and if we could add them. The cost of them is what slowed the process as funding for these was not easy to come by,” he said.
The new panels will not only be a welcome addition for fans, but Courneya said the athletes and coaches are also excited about the addition. While the new stat panels are ready to use, it will take some time for the people who manage the clock to get used to the new features.
“Athletes and coaches have been very excited for the new panels. My guess is our public will enjoy the new feature, but they have not seen it in action yet,” he said. “Our helpers that manage the clock during games will now have an additional feature to manage, but with some practice, they will get it figured out.”
In order to help pay for the project, the school district turned to local businesses and organizations for additional sponsorship opportunities to advertise on the panels. The concept of adding the new stat panels really took off after the school district purchased a new scoreboard for the football field last year.
“When the football scoreboard project took place, I used a rep from Daktronics to help rebuild our sponsorship advertising program. I felt this was a good time to make some changes that could help us obtain more revenue and obtain these stat panels,” said Courneya. “He helped me rebuild our structure that brought in a good amount of revenue, that I felt comfortable pursuing the idea of the stat panels with this new idea. We were able to drum up enough business support and booster club support to help pay for this project.”
There is still room for an additional sponsor on the new stats panel in the high school gym. Anyone who would be interested in advertising on the new panels should contact Courneya at the school. Revenue from the sponsorship helps to bring in more revenue for a number of programs at the school, which includes everything from supplies to leadership speakers, coaching clinics, small projects and more.
“Now with the businesses doing an annual sponsorship each year, these boards will help generate more revenue for future projects. Nothing really big, but nice features that can hopefully help enhance our district,” said Courneya.
In addition to the new stats panels, the district was also able to relocate the scoreboards in the red and green gyms as part of the project. The scoreboards will now allow the athletes to sit across from the spectators instead of being mixed in with them.