Keeping an eye on the future of Vergas
News | Published on February 4, 2022 at 12:27pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0Vergas hosts several meetings to gather input for community’s future
By Chad Koenen
Do you have an idea of what would help to make Vergas a great place to live and play in 2037?
If so, the City of Vergas wants to hear from you, and don’t worry, they are willing to come to you to find out any ideas of what can help to make Vergas a great community over the next 15 years.
“Very open ended, everyone’s opinion counts. There are no bad suggestions,” said Julie Lammers of the input the group hopes to receive.
The City of Vergas is hosting four separate listening sessions to gather input from local residents about what they would like to see in Vergas over the next 15 years. The group is seeking input on four different topics in four different locations in the community. Lammers said the goal is to meet community members in their own environment, instead of requiring people to attend one large meeting at one specific date or time.
The first meeting was held on Jan. 24 and that meeting was focused on land use and built form. The meeting was held at the Vergas Event Center.
On Wednesday, a meeting will be held at Billy’s Corner Bar and Grill at 12 p.m. The meeting is centered around housing and will be held at the same location as the monthly Vergas EDA meeting.
The youth will take center stage on Saturday as community members will be serving hot chocolate at the ice skating rink from 1-3 p.m. Lammers said the ice skating rink, which was moved to the lake this year, is one of the main places that youth can gather in Vergas during the winter.
The volunteers are seeking any kind of input from community members about what they would like to see for the youth in the community for the next 15 years.
“They will have hot chocolate and just find out what direction people would like to have for our youth in Vergas,” said Lammers.
The final meeting will be held on Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. at the Vergas Event Center. The meeting will be centered around economic and business development, broadband, tourism, as well as parks and open spaces.
Lammers said Monday’s will be open to the public and people will be able to give input at several different stations focused on specific topics concerning the City of Vergas.
Those who cannot attend one of the meetings can also complete a survey to help guide city officials as they try to develop a vision for the community for the next 15 years. The survey can be picked up at the liquor store, city office or can be downloaded from the city’s website.