A glimpse from the past
News | Published on February 23, 2022 at 4:27pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
5 years ago
Frazee Vergas-Forum
February 23, 2017
The Vergas City Council announced that City Clerk Julie Lammers will remain the municipal liquor store manager. During the council’s monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14 a motion was approved to increase Lammer’s pay for the additional job duties to $31 per hour. Lammers had been interim managing the liquor store facility the past four months and after council committees met to discuss the progress, the committees suggested the best option was to continue with what was working.
Sections is the point in the season where a loss means the end of it all. All of the highs and lows of the year are forgotten. It is the starting point of the matches that truly matter. This past Saturday, Feb, 18, the Hornet wrestling team got the chance to leave the rest of their season behind and wrestle for the opportunity to once again travel to the state tournament.
The Frazee High School dance team earned a runner-up title in jazz and placed sixth in high kick at the Minnesota State High School League State Dance team tournament on Feb. 10-11 at the Target Center in Minneapolis. The Fly Girls jazz team hoped to defend last year’s state title against 12 of the top teams in the state. They advanced to the finals with Aitkin, St. Charles, Yellow Medicine East, Duluth Marshall and Lac Qui Parle Valley-Dawson Boyd.
25 years ago
Frazee Forum
February 20, 1997
There are only two things Carol Funkhouser can’t do these days—scuba dive, and have an M.R.I. Those are small trade-offs, though, for the hearing that Carol has regained. Last May, after years of progressive hearing loss, doctors told Funkhouser that there was no further help they could give her in the way of hearing aids. After weighing her options and undergoing extensive evaluation, Funkhouser had a cochlear implant Sept. 15, 1996.
Plans for a family center in Frazee are on hold for a bit while the Becker County Children’s Initiative regroups. A group of Frazee residents and professionals had been working to get a family center established for a number of months, but plans were put on hold when BCCI’s director quit on Jan. 15. BCCI will hold an executive session Friday to see how it can get its family center projects jump started in the wake of its most current director absence.
A new drug store should open in Farzee within the next month of two. Nathan Seip, owner of Seip Drug, New York Mills and Henning, has committed to establishing a full-service drug store, with an on-site pharmacist, 5 ½ days a week in Frazee. This news comes on the heels of the announcement that Teiken Drug of Frazee was closing Feb. 18. Teiken is merging with Thrifty White Drug of Perham, with services also in Detroit Lakes, according to Teiken.
50 years ago
Frazee Forum
February 24, 1972
U.S. ARMY, VIETNAM, Feb. 4 – Army Private First Class Roger M. Damlo, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Damlo, Route 2, Frazee, was recently assigned to the XXIV Corps in Vietnam. A member of the Staff Advocate Section of the Corps, Pvt. Damlo entered the Army last July and completed basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. A 1966 graduate of Frazee High School, he received a bachelor of science degree in 1970 from the University of Minnesota at St. Paul. The private, whose wife, Penny, lives at 206 W. 62nd St., in Minneapolis, was a teacher in the Montevideo Public Schools before entering the Army.
The Frazee Drift Riders snowmobile club will have a family ride on Sunday, Feb. 27, leaving from Town Lake at 1 p.m. This will be a very enjoyable family ride. Sunday, March 5, the Drift Riders are going to Smokey Hills for a ride and weiner roast, and will leave from the high school at 12:30 p.m. Don’t miss these rides! Anyone with a snowmobile is welcome. If you enjoy yourself, think about joining the club for more rides. Members – bring a friend along.