A glimpse from the past
News | Published on March 1, 2022 at 2:20pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
5 years ago
Frazee-Vergas Forum
March 2, 2017
The city of Frazee parks and recreation committee is hopeful that starting in 2018 there will be a $10,000 budget for improvements to public areas. During the committee meeting on Monday, Feb. 27, Frazee City Administrator Denise Anderson explained that the current year budget has about $10,000 tucked away for the final year of the city’s donation of about $30,000 to the Becker County Historical Museum’s new building. Anderson said keeping the $10,000 in the budget after this year’s payment to the museum would allow the city to make headway on park projects.
The Hornet wrestling team proved last weekend that they are good enough together to wrestle with the best in the state, but it’s individuals that make a team. This is one of the reasons why the sport of wrestling is so great. Even though it is a team sport, individuals still have the opportunity to wrestle for themselves. This past weekend was their chance to do just that. It was a successful two days as every person that wrestled placed top three except for two athletes.
25 years ago
Frazee Forum
February 27, 1997
Ted Frahm was one of the 1996 Cabin Fever Days people recognized for making a difference in Frazee. Frahm cares for the sliding hill and the sidewalks near the Otter Tail River. The sliding hill is a popular spot for Cabin Fever Days activities—there will be a triathlon of uphill bobsledding, target tubing and a 2×4 race at this year’s event March 8.
In the wake of the recent Teiken Drug closure, business retention has been a concern many community leaders have talked about. Bob McTaggart, Frazee Care Center administrator, addressed the Frazee Economic Development Authority on Monday night. McTaggart said a group needs to address concerns of:
1) Promoting local business
2) Retention of local business
3) How can businesses help one another?
50 years ago
Frazee Forum
March 2, 1972
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Stalberger of Ogema were awarded the Becker County 1972 Valley Farmer and Homemaker Plaque at a banquet in Crookston, Minn. last Tuesday evening. The award was sponsored by the Red River Valley Development Association and the Red River Valley Winter Shows. The Stalbergers farm in Spring Creek township and concentrate their farming operations on grain and dairy enterprises.
The Frazee Sportsman Club will pay an additional $10 per acre to the first 10 persons within a radius of five miles of Frazee who take advantage of the wildlife food plantings provision of the 1972 R.E.A.P. program. This program, in general, provides for the payment of about $10 per acre for certain food plots left over winter to provide food and cover for our wildlife.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henn on Ash Ave. in Frazee was broken into Monday night. Entry was apparently gained by using a skeleton key on the back door. The elderly couple were not at home at the time. According to Police Chief James Anderson who investigated the incident, a coo-koo clock, chime clock, and radio were taken from the house.
The Cub Scouts will hold their monthly meeting on Sunday evening, March 5th, at 7:30 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. The Scouts have made little wood racers and will be racing them in their first Pinewood Derby after the meeting. Trophies and ribbons will be awarded the winners. Visitors are welcome to attend and watch the Derby.