Downtown commercial building ready for occupancy
News | Published on March 11, 2022 at 2:34pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0Phase II study at beach likely

The parcel outlined along West Maple Avenue is owned by the city of Frazee and is being considered for multi-family unit development.
By Barbie Porter
The downtown commercial building on Frazee’s Main Avenue has a few spots open for rental.
During the monthly meeting of the Frazee Economic Development Authority on Tuesday, March 1 the group was informed the city has keys to the building and received a Certificate of Occupancy. The certificate means renters can begin work to move into their respective commercial spaces.
Currently, Seip Drug is the only business on the books set to rent a space. It was stated that a permit is in the process of approval to allow sewer installation to begin at the Seip store, along with pouring the concrete for the floor.
The EDA discussed potential marketing options for the remaining commercial spaces. The EDA hired Goldmark to market the vacant spots. They agreed to invite a Goldmark representatives to the next monthly meeting to discuss what they have done.
Frazee Councilman Mark Flemmer said it is great the building is built, but now people need to know about it.
Archeological study
needed at beach
Town Lake Beach was on the docket for a new beach house and remake of the area that borders State Highway 87. The work was slated to coincide with the highway reconstruction.
A grant was obtained to help pay for the new beach house that would have concessions, watercraft rental and bathrooms. Then an initial archeological study was done and everything came to a grinding halt.
State Archaeologist Amanda Gronhovd found a “Knife River Flint flake (chip of stone from making a stone tool).” The item originates from western North Dakota and indicates trading occurred.
Gronhovd recommended a more in-depth study.
City representatives questioned if the artifacts were brought there by a historical figure, or transported there by truck, as the beach area was reportedly created when State Highway 87 was built. Consideration was given to appeal the decision for further digs at the site.
Frazee City Administrator Jordin Roberts said the appeal process sounded like it would be an uphill battle, due to the fact it was a state representative that called for the study. If an appeal were pursued, it could end up taking time and money to get to the same point they are at.
She added the bid for the study seemed high around $10,000, and sought a second bid. The expense would be out of pocket and not part of the grant funding the beach project obtained.
EDA eyes land for
potential apartments
The EDA discussed vacant city-owned land along West Maple Avenue for potential development with multi-family housing units.
The group seemed to agree there was a high need for such developments, be it apartments or other, in the lakes area. They also agreed a developer would be needed for the project, but the city could provide a lucrative deal when it comes to the land.