Frazee school Peace Poster winners named
News | Published on March 24, 2022 at 2:07pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Johannesburg takes second at district art competition

The annual Peace Poster contest winners were announced recently. Pictured are (from left) Vegas Lions member Elaine Palmer and winner Aynslee Johannesburg, Frazee Lion member Deb Pergande and winner Cassandra Puttbrese, Wolf Lake Lions member Tom Mickelson and winner Nevaeh Wirth and Peace Poster Club Chair Karlene Negen.
By Barbie Porter
Students at Frazee Elementary were provided with an opportunity to enter a contest hosted by area Lions Clubs.
The winners included Aynslee Johannesburg, Cassandra Puttbrese and Navaeh Wirth.
Johannesburg took top honors as the pick for best poster from the Vergas Lions. Puttbrese was first pick for her artwork on behalf of the Frazee Lions and the Wolf Lake Lions liked Wirth’s artwork best.
The young artists received a participation award at the district level and Johannesburg took second at the district competition.
Peace Poster Chair Karlene Negen applauded the student’s effort and thanked the elementary art teacher for inspiring the students.