Liquor license suspended at VFW
News | Published on March 30, 2022 at 3:17pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
The Frazee City Council approved revoking the Frazee VFW license after discussing questionable business practices.
By Barbie Porter
The Heart O’Lakes VFW Post 7702 had its liquor license suspended by the Frazee City Council, after it was fined by the state.
During its monthly city council meeting on Monday, March 21, Frazee Mayor Ken Miosek referred the council to a document by the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the Department of Public Safety.
In the letter, dated Feb. 18, 2022 from Department of Public Safety Director Carla Cincotta, it was stated that the VFW had not paid its taxes. By not paying its taxes, the adult beverage distributors were not able to sell to the establishment. All retailers are required, by state statute, to purchase alcoholic beverages from licensed manufacturers, brewers and wholesalers.
Miosek said the state gave the VFW the choice to close for three days, or pay a $500 fine. He noted the business opted to close for three days, which concluded on Sunday, March 20.
Councilman Mark Flemmer stated he attended a meeting held by the Frazee VFW last week. He stated the group is seeking a loan from a bank to pay its taxes and other monies owed, so they can open their doors.
Flemmer added the post commander resigned, and the spot is to be filled at an upcoming election.
When Councilman Mike Sharp asked if the VFW leaders had been notified the city council would be discussing their license to operate, the city attorney stated a letter was sent a few weeks ago. Flemmer added the letter was discussed at the VFW meeting and he though a representative would be attending the city council meeting.
A motion was brought forward to suspend the Frazee VFW license until they have paid all penalties and fees and hold a meeting with the city council.
Council members Mark Kemper and Nicole Strand voted for the motion. Sharp and Flemmer opposed. Miosek was the tie breaker and favored the motion.