Turkey Days Road Rally ‘Neverland Adventure’
News | Published on July 21, 2022 at 12:52pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Turkey Days Road Rally committee include: Gini Thon, Lisa Piper, Teresa Newling, Danita Ketter, Karen Feldt, Ta Fett and Terri Seelye. Not pictured: Lynn Tappe.
Danita Ketter is again chairing the Frazee Turkey Days Road Rally, themed “Neverland Adventures” during this year’s festival.
The Road Rally will start at the Frazee Essentia Clinic parking lot with registration from 11:30 a.m. to noon with the first car leaving at 12 p.m.
The cost is $20 per team. Participants can expect an approximately two-hour adventure.
The Road Rally theme “Neverland Adventures” is a reference to all things related to Disney movies, characters, themes, and theme parks.
All participants are encouraged to dress up to the theme, decorate their vehicle and gain bonus points for presentation before even leaving Frazee. Participants are given clues at the beginning of the Road Rally to help them reach various destinations along the way. Knowledge of Disney and Disney characters will be helpful. Participants can expect scavenger hunting, problem-solving skills, easy physical activity, skills in observation; and some things will be left up to chance. One team member may need to get wet. Safety is a top priority and participants are reminded to follow all traffic laws.
Awards will be given to first and second place, Best in Show, and Rookie Award.
“In 2021, there were 13 groups who participated in the Road Rally. Albert Doll’s team, the Busted Stone Broke Ranch Team, were the winners last year and it was their first time entering,” said Ketter. “They had a blast and are planning to enter again this year. It’s a great time so we hope a lot of people come out for another fun year.”
Direct questions to Danita Ketter at (218) 396-0639.