Crossing and lane closures expected on 87 project
News | Published on September 19, 2022 at 5:45pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0New sidewalks to be installed along Highway 87 in Frazee

Construction crews worked on a stretch of Highway 87 near the railroad tracks in Frazee last week. Lane closures are expected in town as crews work to install new sidewalks and complete necessary road work.
Last week, crews got started in Phase 2 (Juniper Avenue to Birch Avenue) of the Highway 87 project in Frazee.
Drivers will encounter lane closures in this area while crews make utility repairs, install new sidewalks and the shared-use path, and resurface the highway. At this time, work is taking place in the westbound lane. MnDOT is asking drivers to please be alert and obey one way traffic signs on highway 87.
A hard closure at the railroad tracks north of Juniper Avenue closed traffic on Monday, Sept. 19 for paving operations in Phase 1 (Hwy 10 to CR 10/Juniper Avenue).
Once Phase 2 work is complete, there will be another intermittent closure at the railroad crossing while railroad crews relocate the crossing arms to align with the new shared-use path.
During the closure, flaggers will direct traffic through the intersection of CR 10/Juniper Avenue and Hwy 87, and traffic will be detoured to CR 10/Juniper Avenue, Fifth Street NW and Birch Avenue.
Specific date information will be shared once it becomes known.
Due to contractor scheduling conflicts, Phase 1 (Hwy 10 to CR 10/Juniper Ave) paving was delayed, but is scheduled for next week, Monday, Sept. 19. Once the paving is completed, the road can be reopened in this area and crews will move to Phase 4 (Hwy 10 overpass).
Reminder: Phase 1 (Hwy 10 to CR 10/Juniper Ave) remains closed, and the detour route is Highway 10 and CR 10/Juniper Avenue.
While Phase 4 is underway, an automated signal will be used to direct traffic through the work zone. In Phase 4, crews will reconstruct the bridge approach panels, replace guardrail on the bridge and Hwy 10, and resurface the roadway on the overpass to CR 29.
And finally, the majority of the work in Phase 3 (in front of the school) is complete. Crews will do final striping this week and are also finishing up lighting installation.