Adoption needs persist in region
News | Published on November 3, 2022 at 10:58am EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Stephanie Olson, Liza Ulschmid, Krista Fix and Christine Deal work with adoptive families in the Otter Tail County area.
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has proclaimed November as National Adoption Month. In Minnesota, there are more than 900 children waiting for an adoptive family. Otter Tail County is taking this opportunity to honor those families who adopt and are meeting a direct, urgent need in our communities by providing a safe, loving, permanent home for children.
“Thank you for what you do to give kids hope and opportunities they otherwise would not have,” said Otter Tail County Board Chair Betty Murphy at a recent meeting.
Permanency Workers Christine Deal and Liza Ulschmid spoke of the ways in which Otter Tail County permanency workers are committed to supporting families that choose to provide permanent homes for Otter Tail County kids that are in foster care and in need of permanency. Permanency workers advocate for the best interests of children, while actively supporting families through every step of the finalization process.
Permanency workers continue to honor children’s connections to relatives by advocating for relative search and relative placements.
“I am very proud of the permanency outcomes achieved in Otter Tail County. Christine and Liza are very passionate and dedicated to the children and families they serve,” said Stephanie Olson, Otter Tail County Human Services Child and Family Services Supervisor. “It is an honor to work with them and personally see the difference they are helping to create in our communities. They are changing lives every day.”
Otter Tail County permanency workers recognize the weight of the decision to become permanent caregivers and strive to work with families by making the permanency process as smooth as possible. Permanency social workers support the family at every step of the process and are available to answer questions, provide support, and make referrals for supportive services for the children and/or family unit.
About Adoptions in
Otter Tail County
Otter Tail County Human Services is not a private adoption agency. However, as a social service agency, the County does provide services to youth whose permanency plans are adoption or transfer of permanent legal and physical custody as well as to prospective adoptive and kinship families.
For more information visit or call (218) 998-8150.