Shana Schwanís class


Ingredients: secen, ingekter, turkey, butter, oiel, chees, shreded chees, spray

Recipe: Frist, you will cook it at 5 min at 7 dugres. Next, you will cook it a little more, then you will cook and you will check it if is reddy. Last you tock it out of what you war doing when it is done you tak it out of what you have the turkey eat it.


Ingredients: sensing, pepr, solt, turkey

Recipe: First you cook the turkey for 2:30 A.M. Next you sensin the turkey. Then you put on pepr and seot. Then you kut the turkey. Then you eet it.


Ingredients: Sezing, buter, turkey, salt and peper

Recipe: Turn on the oven and cook the turkey at 15 minits at 350. Put some sezing on it. Put it in the oven. Take it out and put some buter, sult and peper and eat it.


Ingredients: Sensing, salt, pepper, turkey

Recipe: First you have to buy it. Next you should cook it for 30 min that should be good. Cook at 400 gereaz. Add a little seazning. Put it on the pan grab a plate and a fork and then eat it.


Ingredients: Stuffing, Pepper, Pees and green beans, masht potatos, turkey, vechtabal oil, ham, butter

Recipe: You put the stuffing in the turkey. Next you put the vechtabal oil on the turkey. Then you put the oven at an hour for 550. Last, you set on the tabal and eat it!


Ingredients: sensing, lein, pepr, solt, turkey

Recipe: First get trkey and cook it in the uvi to awr and the dres to 15 ten. ad sensings. ad pepr. ad solt and lemdin


Ingredients: salt, pepper, butter, turkey

Recipe: First cook the turkey for 30 minitets at 60°. Next take the turkey out of the oven and add the ingredients. Then let the turkey cool down. Last eat it at the table.


Ingredients: turkey, salt, peppr, butter

Recipe: Oven at 10,000° Next put butter in the turkey. Then throw the turkey in the oven for 20 hours. Last take it out, salt and pepper. Eat it.


Ingredients: ornges, salt, peper, turkey, olv oil, popcorn, lemons, springles

Recipe: stuf the turkey which popcorn, ornges, lemens, springls. We poor oliv oil on the turkey. Then you put the turkey in the oven pot the oven to 98.4 set the time to 1 hour and 3 mintes. Then you pull the turkey out of the oven and spinkl some springls.


Ingredients: pepor, oil, solt, sos, juse, cechup, turkey, mustord

Recipe: First you haft to grab a pan then ad oil. Then put the turkey on the pan and put the turkey in the uven. Then take the turkey owt ov the uven. Then put sos on the turkey. Ete it!


Ingredients: Solt, buttr, pepir, turkey, oil

Recipe: First put the turkey on the tabl. Then put the buttr salt and pepir. Then put the oil on the turkey. Last put the turkey in the ufin for sefin minis.


Ingredients: buttr, turkey, pepar, salt, oil

Recipe: First put the turkey in the pan. Next put the salt, buttr, oil and pepar on the turkey. Then set the oven to 500 dagreas. Last put the turkey in the oven for 1 howar. Wen its done take it out of the oven and eat it.


Ingredients: turkey, peppr, salt, sos, peppr Jack, vechtibls, putspisisonit, putitintheuvin

Recipe: First get a turkey. Next put it in the uvin hav an owr 80 dgrees. Then put spisis on it peppr, salt, pepper Jack. Last vechtibls, selree, corots and ungens and then eat it!


Ingredients: solt, vetabull, peper, butter, turkey, oil, ham, sweet and sour saues 

Recipe: First add solt and the peper. Next add the turkey and the ham. Then put on the vetchabul and butter. Put the oven at one hour at 90 degrees. Last put the oil and do’nt forget the sweet and sour sous. Then eat it.


Ingredients: a turkey, pepper, ranch, water, oven, roaster

Recipe: First buy a turkey. Next put it in the roaster. Then cook in the oven for 99 mins. Last eat the turkey.


Ingredients: hot peper, green peper, goste peper, red peper, srochoe, yellow peper, halopenoe peper, oring peper

Recipe: First put it un the uvin. Next put more halopsoe peper. Then put more! Goste peper on it. Then people eat it!!!!!!!


Larsonís class


Ingredients: 5 pound turky, stufing butter, seasaning 

Recipe: First shoot it in a feald. Next put stufing in the turky. Then cuver the butter on the top. Then cook it in the oven at 400 dugrees for 70 minutes. Last enjoy the feast whith your famly.


Ingredients: 1 pound turkey, butter, 2 cups of water, salt

Recipe: First, go to central market, and buy a 10 pound turkey. Next, take the turkey out of the package put butter and salt on it. Then, cook in the oven at 330 degrees put it in the oven for 4 hours. Last cut it and eat it.


Ingredients: 20 pound turkey, grapes, butter, grave, salt

Recipe: First, go to the store to get a 20 pound turky. Next, put it on the plate put the butter an the turky put the grave in the turky put salt on the turky put the grapes around the turky. Then, we put it in the oven and cook it at 20 degrees for 25 minutes. Last, invite my family to the feast!


Ingredients: 5 pound turkey, butr, qutados

Recipe: First, go hunting for a 5 pound turkey. Next put butr on a pan and put the turkey on the pan. Then, put the turkey in the uvin for a owr. Last, feed evre bude with the turkey.


Ingredients: 8 pound turkey, butrr gravy, poattoe

Recipe: First, go to warmart to get the turkey. Next put cooking spray on the pan. Put the turkey in the pan. Buttr gravy and poattoe. Then, put the turkey in the oven and put it in for 20 minuts. Last, invite pepol to come over to eat the turkey.


Ingredients: 8 pound turkey, gravy seasoning, buttr salt, potatoes

Recipe: First, go to the meat markit and bay an 8 pound turey. Next, open the turtey. Then, put it in a pan open the oevn and put the turtey in a oven. Last, take it out and cut the turkey and then eat the turkey with my family.


Ingredients: 6 pound turkey, mustader, pam, seasoning

Recipe: First, go to keters, buy a 6 pound turkey. Next, unthaw it and put it in a pan. Then, cook in the oven. Cook at 105 degrees. Cook for half an hour. Last, enjoy with family.


Ingredients: 20 pound turkey, pepper, butter, salt, 1 cup of water, potatoes, seasoning

Recipe: First, go hunting for 20 pound turkey. Next I haf to clean the turkey. Then, I will put it in the oven 12 minets and 5 degrees. Last, I will invient my mom, dad, and my cousins then we will eat the turkey.


Ingredients: 30 pond turkey, 1 cup sesning, adobo, 1 tspoon of butter, 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of water

Recipe: First, go to the store and bay a 30 pond turkey. Next, poor it on a pan now set the time on the oven. Then, poot it in the oven when the oven is 40 degrees farenhite. Last, invite pepel over and eat. Happy Thanksgiving!


Ingredients: 30 pound turkey, 5 cups of water, gravy, potatoes, butter, pepper

Recipe: First, go to ketters to get a 30 pound turkey. Next, I open the turkey to put it in the buttery pan. Then, I will cook the turkey for an owr and 30 minutes. Last, my dad will cut the 30 pound turkey and than we eat the 30 pound turkey.


Ingredients: 20 pound turkey, potatoes, gravy, 2 cups of water, butter, pam

Recipe: First, go to ketters and by 20 pound turkey. Next, I open the turkey and put it in the pan. Then I cook it in the oven for 30 minute. I will add a half of butter in the pan. Last, I will set up the tabel and enjoy the turkey with my family.


Ingredients: 14 pound turkey, mash potatoes and gravey, 6 inches of butter

Recipe: First, go shoot a turkey with a bonarowe. Next, we are gowing to preheat the ufen to 50 degrees. Then, were going to put the turkey in. Last, were going to eat it!


Ingredients: 3 pound turkey, pepr butr solt

Recipe: First, go to the stowre and get the turkey. Next, puot solt on the turkey and butr on turkey then pepr on the turkey. Then the turkey will be in the uvin and at 8 dugrees. Last, dekrat the table.


Ingredients: 20 pound turkey, gravy, buttr, stuffing

Recipe: First, go to woumrt and biy the turkey. Next, you add the gravy and the buttr and the stuffing. Then, you cook the turkey in the uvin at 10 degrees and 12 minutes. Last, you eat the turkey.


Ingredients: 5 pound turkey, pepper, onions, borbeceud

Recipe: First, go to Wollmart and get a 5 pound turkey. Next, wash the turkey. Then put it in the oven for 10 minits and 9 dugres. Last, take the turkey out uf the oven and put the sesunings on and enjoy.


Ingredients: 15 pound turkey, potatoes, buttur, pepper, salt

Recipe: First, go to wamart and get a turkey. Next, get the nife and cut the bag open. Then, put it on the pan. Then, cook it on the grill. Set it for 20 minits. Last, invite your frents over for Thaksgivings.


Ingredients: Turkey, salt

Recipe: Go to the farm to get a torkey. Kill it and clean it and pluck the feathers. Put it in a big pan. Cook it at 200 ° for 2 hours.


Ingredients: 50 pound turkey, gravy, seasohne

Recipe: First, go hunting and we will shot a turkey 50 pound of turkey. Next, we wosh it. Then, we cook the turkey on the pan. Degree is 15. How long 2 mins. Last, than all of are gest mum ovr.


Breitenfeldtís class


Ingredients: trke, pepre, solt, pan

Recipe: I put the trkey on the pan. Put the pepre over the trkey. We put the solt ovre the trkey. The trkey is dun.


Ingredients: stuffing, solt, turkey, seasoning, karitse, seasoning salt, pepre

Recipe: Put salt on it and peper. Put the stuffing in it. Put the turkey in the oven and cook it to 350 for 2 hours. Cut then eat it.


Ingredients: turkey, 1 popcorn, ove oyol, flour, seasoning, stufing

Recipe: Pute the turkey on the plate and season it. Put the stufing in the turtey. Sete the oven to 343° and 45 mins. Cut the turkey and eat it.


Ingredients: knife, stuffing, flour, salt

Recipe: First you warm wutr and season it. Suffing it up and make the plate. Oven for 20 mins 100 gez. Knife it up and eat it.


Ingredients: turkey, butter, salt

Recipe: Season turkey with butter and salt. Make stuffing and put in turkey. Put turkey in a pan and put I the oven at 546° for 21 minutes. Take out and eat.


Ingredients: seasoning, peper, turkey, stofing, popcorn

Recipe: I put 1/2 cup of seasoning of slap your moma. I cut a hole in the turkey and put stuffing in it. I put it in the ovin fore abawt 30 minits and 300°. Eat it.


Ingredients: a turkey, stufening, solt, grive

Recipe: Put the solt on the turkey. Put stufening in the turkey and all of it. Put grive on the turkey and a lot. Put the turkey in the oven for 350f and 45 mins.


Ingredients: turkey, oven, stufing, seesing

Recipe: Put the seasoning on the turkey. Put the stuffing the turkey. Set the oven for 35 mins. Put the turkey in the oven to 350° 3-45 mins. Take the turkey owt and cut the turkey. On a cuting bord. Put it on a plate and eat and enjoy.


Ingredients: Turkey, seasoning, stufing, temptur

Recipe: Gete ready to cook turkey. Seasoning: you need pepper, garlic. Stufing our turkey. 350° turn up the oven and cook turkey.


Ingredients: Knife, turkey, peper, salt, seasoning, oven

Recipe: Get a turkey, yous a knife to cut it. Put salt, peper and seasoning on it. Put more salt on it. Put it in the oven for 45 mins 350° and wait. Cut peas. Put the cut up peas on the turkey.


Ingredients: A turkey, salt, stuffing, grave

Recipe: Put the salt on the turkey. Put the turkey in the oven for about 350 for 45 min. Take the turkey out of the oven. Eat it and injoy!


Ingredients: turkey, solt, peper, stufing, grave

Recipe: To pot turkey in the oven but put stuff. 350° 45 min. Pot the solt on and the peper. Pot the grave on the turkey. Eat the turkey on the plate.


Ingredients: turkey, grave, solt, stufing, peper

Recipe: Put the stufing in the turkey. Next put the solt and peper. Then put the turkey in the oven net 350° for 10 mints. Last put the graee bay the turkey or on the turkey then eat it.


Ingredients: turkey, salt, pepper, stuffing

Recipe: Put the seasoning on the turkey. Put the stuffing in the turkey. Put the temperature 350° 43 mins. Cut it and put it on plates then eat it.