By Tyler Trieglaff

Notes from the Chief

Friday, March 31

10:28 a.m. Assist with a welfare check as delivery driver said mail order meal boxes are piling up outside the door. The meals were being kept outside as the freezer was broken. All was ok.

4:41 p.m. Report of a loose dog on Balsam Ave.  UTL

11:50 p.m. Assist with a court order violation that occurred in DL. Frazee officer found vehicle on US 10 and made a traffic stop.

Saturday, April 1

2:30 p.m. Report of a domestic disturbance. Male claiming that the female hit him in the mouth.  Female said the male must have been hungry so she gave him a knuckle sandwich. (Ok, that didn’t happen, APRIL FOOLS!!!)

3:48 p.m. Civil dispute over car keys that belonged to deceased person. Significant other had the vehicle and the keys but next of kin had sold the vehicle. Vehicle was cleaned out and keys turned over to son.

7:40 p.m. Report that a male had jumped into the roadway while complainant was driving by.  Officer told the intoxicated male that the best place for him was to head for his house.

8:03 p.m. Female requesting a phone call about a vehicle that is possibly posing as a police vehicleThe vehicle in question was the on duty Frazee officer.

11:56 p.m. Intoxicated male from prior call causing issues at a neighbor’s house. Male had knocked over a shelf and a large amount of beer cans. Officer told complainant to talk with the male after he sobers up.

1:23 a.m. Assist with a disturbance on McHugh Rd.

Sunday, April 2

8:08 p.m. Assist State Patrol with traffic stop. Trooper found a large amount of ganja weed and pills.

Monday, April 3

9:51 a.m. Vehicle unlock on Main Ave W.

2:05 p.m. Officer dealt with ongoing issue with female getting picked on by boy at the high school.  

6:05 p.m. Report of a storage unit on Frazee Road had the lock cut and unit was gone through.

6:58 p.m. Ottertail warrant arrest of Michaela Beyer, 28, Frazee.

Tuesday, April 4

4:15 p.m. Assist with a medical.

5:37 p.m. Welfare check on kids after they got home from school.

8:03 p.m. Alarm at the Event Center. Officer set the alarm off while going to set the alarm for the night.

Wednesday, April 5

3:43 p.m. Officer assisted with getting a motorist out of the ditch.

6:41 p.m. Officer talked with homeowner about a utility trailer that had been parked on the street for some time and was collecting a snow berm around it. Owner moved the trailer to the driveway.

Thursday, April 6

9:03 p.m. Reporting party wanted to let officers know that their vehicle would be in the public parking lot on Endeavor Rd as it was broken down.

12:42 a.m. Officer received a call from a female that had issues with the washing machine at the laundromat. Officer contacted owner in the morning for female.

Friday, April 7

4:36 p.m. Female reporting that her on and off again boyfriend was using meth again and was driving. Unable to locate the male at this time.

4:46 p.m. Report of a domestic disturbance by the gas station. Unable to locate.

6:25 p.m. Mother reporting her teenage daughter as a runaway. Officer helped mom look for daughter all over town and places where she could be hiding out. Daughter finally showed up at a friend’s house around 8:30 p.m. Daughter was picked up by officer and officer had a nice chat with the juvenile. Daughter was brought home to mom and dad and another discussion was had about making good choices.

Saturday, April 8

6:39 p.m. Open door on city building. All appeared to be ok.

9:23 p.m. Report of a domestic incident involving a juvenile male and his mother. Officer mediated the situation and it was decided that juvenile detention was not the best solution for tonight, counseling and other services would be a better direction to go. Juvenile stayed with a relative for the evening.

10:45 p.m. Assist with a medical.

Sunday, April 9

5:03 p.m. Report of a domestic situation with female scared that the male will destroy her things when she is at work. Officers found male who was gathering his things to leave and officer told him he was not welcome back at the residence.

Monday, April 10

11:19 a.m. Warning to driver for parking on the wrong side of Lake St S.  

5:37 p.m. Report of a suicidal male. Officer talked with the male and he said he was ok and was going to a relative’s for the evening.

Tuesday, April 11

12:36 p.m. Officer saw an elderly male walking and being harassed by two dogs. Officer chased the dogs away and found who owned them. Dog owner was going to leave work to put the dogs in.

3:03 p.m. Civil standby while male party collected more belongings at an ex’s house.

5:27 p.m. Female reporting that a moving company was trying to get her to pay more money to have her things delivered to Frazee. It seems that the original moving company subcontracted to another company and they wanted more money. Goods were delivered the next day after the extra fee was paid. Civil issue that needs to be settled in court if parties want to push farther.

6:46 p.m. Report that there was a dirt bike driving around Red Willow. Unable to locate.

7:13 p.m. Assist with a medical.

10:11 p.m. Assist with a traffic complaint on US Hwy 10.

Wednesday, April 12

6:56 a.m. Report of a suspicious male behind the gas station making people uncomfortable.  Officer talked with the male who was homeless.Male was not doing anything illegal besides being creepy.

11:05 p.m. Warrant attempt on female who recently had ties to Frazee. Her mother told officer that she has not been around since the last incident a month ago.

12:59 p.m. Report of a business depositing ice and snow in the roadway. Parties moved the ice and snow after officer talked with them.

2:27 p.m. Female reporting that a male drove by her house and took a picture of the house and as she and young child were outside.  Male was taking pictures of the houses in his neighborhood to bring to the board of equalization meeting to discuss about the property taxes.

3:25 p.m. Creepy male from prior call was at it again, being of concern to residents.  Male appeared to be tweaking on something.  Male was allowed to be on his way.  Officer received several other texts about the male.  We know who he is and are monitoring the situation.

6:38 p.m. Male resident complaining about the neighbor kids harassing him.  Info only for now.

6:41 p.m. Officer found some young rapscallions throwing rocks at the boat landing.  Officer asked the boys to stop throwing the rocks as those rocks are part of the boat landing to help it function properly.

7:39 p.m. Complaint that neighbor kids are driving on his property instead of on the road.  Also complaining that the kids are tearing up the city gravel road.  Officer talked with a couple of the boys and told them the needed to improve their driving or citations could be issued.

Thursday, April 13

7:03 a.m. Background checks for local business, CornerStone

1:16 p.m. Traffic complaint on a young adult driver. Officer stopped male driver and gave him his final warning. 

2:36 p.m. ID found in the street returned to owner’s grandmother. 

8:17 p.m. Male reporting that two dogs he is training took off from him by the ballfields. Dogs were seen along the Otter Tail River about half an hour prior. Dogs were seen on a trail camera and officer found Rover and Festus running down the road. Dogs jumped into the squad car and were returned to the owner.