Land has been unidentified since 1897

Becker County Geographic Information Systems graphic
The land that comprises much of Hank Ludtke Park and the area surrounding the lift station east of the Otter Tail River has been listed as an unidentified parcel. The city is acquiring a quiet title on the land.

By Robert Williams


The Frazee City Council approved a motion to pursue a quiet title for a large, unidentified parcel that includes portions of Hank Ludtke park, the sledding hill and the lift station. 

Council member Andrea Froeber has been working with Becker County Auditor-Treasurer Mary Hendrickson, along with City Attorney Thomas Winters on acquiring the title.

According to Froeber, the last listed owner of the property was the Commonwealth Lumber Company in 1897.

According to the county, either an owner did not file or the parcel number was transposed. 

Froeber researched historical files and what she found and sent to the county did not match county records.

Dental Access Center

The board discussed the decision made earlier this month by Northern Dental Access Center (NDAC) to pull out plans to move into the downtown commercial building on East Main Avenue. NDAC announced that the non-profit had chosen Frazee for its third location in February and a tentative agreement was reached between the city of Frazee and NDAC on the purchase of the building. 

The decision included nearly two years of fundraising for the project and at the two-year mark the funding simply was not there to complete the transaction.

Board member Jim Rader cited the decision as a potential positive for the city as it can now attract retail businesses to the building, rather than a non-profit. 

City Administrator Stephanie Poegel noted there has been interest expressed in the building to her office.

After the announcement was made, Frazee Economic Development Authority Chair Hank Ludtke contacted NDAC about the non-profit potentially purchasing the current dental practice in town, owned by Dr. Daniel J. Korf, DDS. The building, located across the street from the Event Center on Ash Avenue, houses one operating lab with space for one to two more.

No update was given on that option. The EDA will be discussing a bonding payments plan for the building at their meeting the last week of the month. 


Representatives from the Frazee Community Development Corporation updated the board on planned grant applications for Wannigan Regional Park and a plan to track and update the board on the status of those applications.

FCDC has also proposed a pay schedule for the City Office employee’s time spent in duties as the fiscal agent for grants received regarding the park. FCDC has agreed to cover those expenses at an hourly rate to be determined.

To aid in streamlining the grant process, the board approved Poegel to approve all grant application requests from FCDC that do not require a match from the city. Grants applications that require a match component, FCDC will inform the board prior to applying.

The board also passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of the 157.75 acres of the park from FCDC, which is a planned transfer of ownership.


The board approved the following donations to the Frazee Fire Department:

• Willma Hanson $1,000

• Little Toad Lake Campground $557.50

• Barbara A. Bruergaard Living Trust $25

• Robert K. and Rebecca D. Muhr $25

• Darrell and Lila Krabbenhoft $25

• Theresa J Saba $20

Ordinance 170

An amendment to City Ordinance No. 170, regarding city code of the public utility water system was passed. The change was in regards to well installation and permitting seen below:

The owner of all houses or buildings used for business and new housing developments shall connect to the city water main, provided the water main is within one hundred feet of said property. At no point shall a property owner install a well on their property without obtaining an interim permit from the city.

City Solid 

Waste Collection

The existing agreement for City solid waste and recycling collection expired in January and the city is requesting proposals for services. The contract has been routinely renewed with Steve’s Sanitation over the past few years. 

Poegel will be mailing out requests to the three main providers in the area this week to receive proposals prior to the end of the year.

Eagle Lake Park

The city held a closed meeting to discuss the Eagle Lake Park transaction and passed a resolution with a neighboring property owner to adjust the property line, according to Winters. 

The council has been negotiating the sale of Eagle Lake Park to the Eagle Lake Park Association, Inc., since 2022.