Wrestling crew hits the road to watch Luke Tweeton
Sports | Published on February 5, 2024 at 12:21pm EST | Author: frazeevergas
Photo courtesy UMary Athletics Communications, contributed
Above left: University of Mary No. 8-ranked heavyweight Luke Tweeton defeated No. 6 Jake Swriple by a 3-2 sudden victory due to riding time in the Marauders’ victory at home over Minot State University. Due to his victory over a high-ranked opponent, Tweeton was named Dude of the Dual. Above right: A group of local wrestling fans traveled to Bismarck to watch former Hornet and Division II No. 8 ranked Luke Tweeton wrestle last week at the University of Mary. Tweeton is having an excellent redshirt sophomore season after advancing to Nationals as a freshman for Marauders’ head coach and Frazee wrestling alum Adam Aho.
L-R: Clay Nagel, Tammie Nunn, Diane Aho, Mike Hamm, Travis Nagel, Luke Tweeton, Marty Aho, Jane Anderson, Curt Anderson, Tiffany Nagel, Tracey Tweeton, Adam Aho and Dan Tweeton.