Vergas forms a Baseball Committee

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Widseth, the Vergas city engineering firm, has proposed an application for $200,000 for initial work on the city’s master plan for Long Lake Park.

By Robert Williams


Widseth Engineering proposed an Outdoor Recreation grant to assist with the Long Lake Park Master plan renovations on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at the event center.

Plans are for approximately $200,000 of work to be done at the park in 2025. Clerk-Treasurer Julie Lammers presented information on the 50/50 grant to both the park board and the city council. The city would need to match the $100,000 grant being sought.

Portions of the project in that scope include: a retaining wall; building a new pavilion; the bathhouse and the cost of adding a bathroom to the shelter at the end of the beach, closer to the trail.

Engineers have estimated the cost to bring sewer to the current bathhouse at approximately $70,000. To bring sewer to the proposed shelter would cost roughly $30,000.

The park board recommended the hiring of Widseth to apply for the grant and to add $80,000 to the capital outlay budget in 2025. 

The council agreed to both the grant application and to match the $80,000 to the 2025 budget should fundraising not come through. The cost of $2,500 for Widseth to complete the grant application is covered by the park board. The $80,000 council match, should fundraising fail, is a non-committal agreement by the council and can be denied during 2025 budgeting, if necessary. 

Plans for the park in 2026 include parking and making the road through the park a one-way with a new exit.

Ballpark Committee

A committee has been formed for maintenance and usage of the ballpark. Tony Sailer will be the park board representative for the new baseball park committee. Sailer will be contacting community members who have expressed interest to be committee members. The committee will maintain the field before, during, and after use.

Lawrence Lake Acres

Developer Josh Hanson presented the final plat of Lawrence Lake Acres Second Addition to the Planning Commission in late January. This addition will be for 9 lots with 4 of them being lake lots. Also reviewed was one lot already provided to the city for a park. 

Hanson stated the road will need a couple of layers of Class 5 and the ditches will need to be seeded before they turn it over to the city. 

The council accepted planning’s recommendation to approve the final plat of Lawrence Lake Acres Second Addition.

Utility billing

According to Lammers, the new Munibilling program is online in February. The system is now issuing monthly bills to residents. Those who sign up for email billing and autopay will receive $1 from the city.