Frazee Council continues prep for East Main project
News | Published on April 30, 2024 at 4:13pm EDT | Author: frazeevergas
0Frazee FD pensions increased

City Hall Alley between 2nd and 3rd Street NW is a known flooding area that has received official complaints from area residents. That problem will be addressed as the alley was made part of the upcoming East Main Avenue construction project scheduled for this summer.
By Robert Williams
The Frazee City Council approved the application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) for a loan from the Clean Water Revolving Fund/Drinking Water Revolving Fund for improvements to the wastewater treatment system as part of the East Main Avenue construction project coming up this summer.
The loan amount is estimated at $1.15 million.
The proposed improvement of East Main Avenue will be between the Otter Tail River bridge crossing and northeast to the south line of Trunk Highway 87 with watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street and sidewalk improvements.
The project also includes Rivercrest Drive between East Main Avenue and northerly 400 feet to the end of pavement on Rivercrest Drive with street improvements; and to improve 8th Street SE between East Main Avenue and easterly to the intersection with Cherry Avenue with street improvements; and to improve Cherry Avenue between 8th Street SE and southerly on Cherry Avenue with street improvements.
A final upgrade will be improving the alleyway behind the fire hall, one block north of Main Avenue West between 2nd Street NW and 3rd Street NW.
An estimated total cost of the improvement is $1,635,000.
The project is being done in conjunction with Becker County. According to City Engineer Chris Thorson, the county is paying for all the street improvements within the East Main corridor. The city takes on the cost of water and sewer replacement.
Thorson discussed the deficiencies of Rivercrest Drive and the other segments, along with planned improvements at both February council meetings. Much of the asphalt in the area is 30-40 years old.
The council approved a request from the Frazee Fire Department Relief Association to increase the pension benefit from $2,100 to $2,700 per year of service, effective as of March 27.
Two donations to the fire department were accepted from the Township of Hobart $500 and Feldt Plumbing and Excavating $100.
Fire Chief Adam Walker’s April report included seven total calls, 2 structure fires, 1 car fire, and 4 wildland fires, along with a mutual aid call to Vergas and one to Detroit Lakes.
The department currently consists of 22 firefighters and 2 probationary firefighters.
The council rejected all bids for two Police Department Forfeiture vehicles that were up for auction. The 2013 Harley Davidson motorcycle and 1995 Chevrolet C20 Conversion van will be sent to Bachmann’s Lakes Area Spring Consignment Auction for final sale May 29-June 5.
Coming up in May, officers will be starting the city-wide sweep of potential ordinance violations. Personal contact and/or letters will be sent to violators. Fines may be issued to repeat violators on the first contact this spring using our newly adopted city administrative fines.
Frazee Rescue responded to 19 calls with 10 in the city of Frazee last month.
According to City Administrator Stephanie Poegel’s monthly report, the city will be adding a “Projects” page to the city website so residents can keep updated on the progress of city projects.
The city council discussed a pay increase at the December 2022 meeting, but no action was taken as an ordinance was not ready at that time. Council will need to discuss and determine if they want to implement an increase starting January 1, 2025.
A public hearing will be held Wednesday, May 22, regarding the Wellhead Protection Plan, a plan developed with the help of the Minnesota Department of Health to protect the community’s water supply. The last 10-year protection plan expires in August of this year.
Event Center
Heating and cooling system work is scheduled for May and June, along with subsequent roofing work. The roofing portion of the work will be advertised for bids roughly in the next two weeks.
Park & Rec
The council approved Tom Watson and Mackenzie Hamm, who asked to be added to the Park & Rec committee.