Logan Hahn’s Make-A-Wish keeps on giving
News | Published on May 22, 2024 at 10:13am EDT | Author: frazeevergas
0Area artist helping other kids gain their wishes

The Hahn family has turned daughter Logan’s Cystic Fibrosis diagnosis into an inspiring 18-year journey that uses Logan’s art to keep her Make-A-Wish a functioning business and an unending fundraiser as she helps others gain wishes of their own. L-R: Chris, Nikki, Aftyn, and Logan.
By Robert Williams
Logan Hahn of Pelican Rapids is continuing her mission to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and using her artistic talents to spread the message and donate funds to fight the genetic disease that currently has no cure.

Graduating high school senior Logan Hahn has turned what could be exhausting three-hour treatments for Cystic Fibrosis into 180-minutes of creation and has used her art for the past seven years to give back to both the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Make-A-WIsh Foundation. Make-A-Wish granted Logan’s wish as a 12-year-old for art supplies, instruction and mentors and she turned those lessons into a business in order to help other kids get their wish. “I can never repay it but I can try,” she said.
Logan is the daughter of Chris and Nikki Hahn. Chris was formerly a graphic designer and cartoonist here at the Forum.
Logan has been living with CF her entire life and managing daily treatments of three hours per day with a therapy vest and breathing mask since she was less than two-years-old.
At the age of 12, Logan was granted a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Unlike many wish recipients, especially those with terminal illnesses rather than chronic, Logan’s wish was not for a big trip somewhere exotic or a grandiose gift, it was all about art.
She received art lessons from local artists and materials, all leading up to an art show where the proceeds were all donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
The Hahn family calls it the wish that keeps on giving.
At first, art sales were all part of raising funds, but Logan has turned it into her own business.
“At first, most people were buying things because it was Logan,” Chris said. “As she progressed with her talent it kind of turned into they were interested because they were good paintings. She’s gained a lot of fundraising pieces, that’s one side of things, everything she does goes to CF if it’s an original. The prints that we sell separately, that’s the business piece,”
That business piece helps keep artistic tools in supply around an already artistic house.
Chris’ talent was not only a genetic gift, but something the family used to help Logan get through her three-hour treatments each day.
“She saw what I used to do and I gave her a lot of attention for the drawings she did when she was a kid,” Chris said. “She’s in a vest for three hours a day so you have to find something to do and it just kind of progressed from there. It’s a proud dad thing; she’s pretty good, artist-wise.”
At 15, Logan was one of 80 regional artists contributing to the 150 Sails Up in Detroit Lakes public art project.
While art has become more than just a distraction from treatment or way to pass the time, CF is still there daily and not always easy to live with. According to Chris, Logan’s journey has been smooth for the most part, but there can be hiccups along the way and this past spring it required a one-week stay in the hospital.
“We’ve been lucky enough to be connected with the University of Minnesota and they’ve been on the cutting edge of technology that’s out there,” Chris said. “She’s been on a lot of clinical trials. I’ve been blessed making sure that she’s gotten the best care that she’s needed.”
For those not dealing with a daily disease, it is not always easy to consider something like CF a blessing, but it has brought the Hahn family together and they all take part in finding the good rather than concentrating on the bad.
“This was a blessing and I know that might sound hard,” Nikki said. “Having a chronic illness, your whole life changes and you are able to put things in perspective.”
The family has a mantra: you make your living by what you get, but you make your life by what you give.
Seven years after receiving her wish, Logan continues to help the foundations that helped her. One of Logan’s original paintings was recently auctioned off at the Make-A-Wish North Dakota annual Wine and Wishes Gala.
“I’m so grateful to have the privilege of working with this incredible organization,” said Logan. “I will always be grateful! I will always use my art to give back to them to give more kids the opportunity to have their own wishes granted.”
Logan and Nikki made multiple rounds with media outlets last week discussing both her condition and the art that she has created around her wish.
“I’ve always viewed my condition as something rather than to hide or keep from the world as something to embrace as a unique part of me and to use that as a foundation to help raise money and awareness for fighting this disease,” said Logan. “I can never repay it, but I can try.”
The Hahn family is closing in on another big life moment for Logan: her impending graduation this month.
“It’s definitely been a journey,” said Chris.
Logan is still deciding between Minnesota State University – Moorhead and Concordia College to pursue a degree in Business with a minor in Art. She can join her dad as a Cobber. Chris is a coach for the Concordia volleyball program.
Prior to college, this summer Logan’s art will be featured at the Pelican Rapids library and can be found online at: instagram.com/art4acure/ and drawzorg.wordpress.com/ Prints and cards also available in regional stores: Brown Eyed Susans Floral in Pelican Rapids, Bluebird Books in Detroit Lakes, Karen’s Korner at Dunvilla and Cottonwood Designs in Barnesville.