School district, city agree on school property annexation
News | Published on May 22, 2024 at 10:10am EDT | Author: frazeevergas
The City of Frazee will annex two parcels surrounding the perimeter of the north end of the school district that includes a majority of the ballfields and green space running from County Road 29 to 87. The school district retains ownership of said property.
By Robert Williams
The City of Frazee is beginning the process to annex city-owned property including Wannigan Regional Park property, primitive campground space and the baseball field into the City of Frazee. The Frazee School Board unanimously approved partnering with the city on the annexation at the most recent board meeting Monday, May 13.

Frazee-Vergas School Board Chair Kimberly Antonsen recognized retiring teachers Linda Beilke (pictured), Ann Zitzow and Judy Brekken during this month’s school board meeting Monday, May 13.
The city reached out to see if the school district would be interested in annexing the property adjacent to the city, parcels 037027001 and 037027002. The land is bordered by River Road North and runs around the school campus to County Road 29, including most of the ballpark and green space.
The space has been discussed in prior years and Superintendent Terry Karger stated partnering on the annexation helps bring clarity to the city and is a good thing for the school district.
The district retains ownership of the property.
High School
Principal Jason Smith announced there will be 57 seniors, including 9 National Honor Society members, completing their high school academic careers at Frazee-Vergas High School. Graduation was held on Sunday, May 19.
Smith was joined by instructor and city council representative Jim Rader on a trip to Pelican Rapids High School to assess some programming that is likely coming to Frazee.
“Many, many similar traits to our school,” said Smith. “There’s nothing that I saw that we can’t pull off here in the coming years.”
A few of those programs included: a local trucking company working with the school for CDL licensure. A local nursing home working with nursing students. A shop full of CNC machines and 3D printers acquired through grants.
The duo were shown spaces by Pelican Rapids Principal Laura Januszewski that are needed specifically for some programs like nursing and cosmetology classes.
The school board unanimously approved the revised budget for fiscal year 2024.
“The main difference from the June budget to the current proposed is enrollment,” said District Business Manager Chrissy Clapsaddle.
Total enrollment is 811 students. The district lost 11 to begin the school year, but gained seven throughout the 2023 school year to end up down four kids.
The budget was also affected by the Minnesota Department of Education’s changes to revenue models.
“In the beginning of June, there were a lot of changes in legislation happening and nothing was really nailed down,” said Clapsaddle. “Now we actually know what the numbers should be. That was a big change.”
On the expenditures side, salary and benefit negotiations were completed to allow for that amount to be actualized.
The roof repair project on both school buildings has been accelerated to be completed in two fiscal years, rather than the originally projected four, allowing for cost savings.
“That is better for us,” Clapsaddle said.
According to Superintendent Karger, the district was originally looking at a deficit of nearly $400,000, which is now projected to be only $60,000.
The district and school board honored three retiring teachers who are completing their full-time careers this school year: Judy Brekken, Linda Beilke and Ann Zitzow. Principals Travis Nagel and Jason Smith paid tribute to the instructors.
The board approved the resignation of elementary teacher Maegan Reller, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year and the following hires:
• High school choir/music Instructor Aaron Paulson
• High school special education teacher Rebecca Frosig
• High school language arts instructor Abigale Grossman (licensure pending)
• Hiring the food service manager for the Summer Food Program Cheryl Neyens
• Two summer food service workers Rock Brown and Todd Dormanen
• Summer cleaning crew: Melanie Erickson, Deb Berg, Angel Gerving, Savanna Erickson and grounds worker: Noah Mekalson
• Junior high football coach Martin Thorp
• Physical education teacher Kari Shipman
• Jobs approved to be posted: Early Childhood Family Education Coordinator / Teacher
Hornet Pride
• A donation from United Community Bank for the Outdoor Facility Project for $10,000 to fulfill their pledge of $20,000.
• 3B, Inc DBA Global Talent Solutions donated $1,000 for the Outdoor Facility Project.
• Bell Bank donated $20 for a Custom Card Donation
• A donation from Jiffy Lube of $100 for cribbage boards for students.
• Ann Zitzow donated $250 to Cup O Joe, the coffee shop run by her special education classroom.
Day of Caring:
• The City of Frazee would like to thank the students and staff for all they did to help the community yesterday.
• The City of Wolf Lake would like to thank students and staff for the road and park cleanup yesterday.
2024 classes
The school board reviewed next school year’s class registration guide, which included a number of new offerings like Beginning Automotive maintenance designed especially for ninth and 10th grade female students.
Karger complimented instructor Aaron Boyer for creating the class based on feedback received from students.
“We’re seeing that in some other areas, as well,” said Karger.
More collegiate offerings will be available next year, especially in mathematics.