AJ Peters

AJ Peters has officially received the endorsement of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) for the United States Congress representing Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District. 

This endorsement underscores his commitment to help the people of rural Minnesota by strengthening economic opportunities, enhancing healthcare accessibility, creating workforce and senior housing funding, and advocating for sustainable environmental policies, Peters said in a press release. 

Peters wants to bring back many of the agricultural goals that former representative, Collin Peterson, worked to achieve. His major focus is to move on from the lackluster majority and to get something done in the next congress for the people of the USA.

“I am profoundly honored to receive the DFL’s endorsement for my congressional campaign,” Peters said. “This endorsement is a testament to our shared values and vision for a prosperous and inclusive future for all residents of District 7. Together, we are poised to make meaningful changes that will benefit our community and our nation.”

Peters is a scientist, business owner, and educator, has been a vocal champion for aid to domestic abuse victims, support for a fair agricultural bill, housing for workers and seniors, and increase affordable access to broadband internet. His experience as the chair of the Hands of Hope Resource Center board shows his concern for victims of violence and domestic abuse. As the chair of the Todd County Broadband Coalition, he has shown the ability to work with technical vendors and political organizations.

He is a past member of the National Bipolar Association, a current member of both the Farmers Bureau and the Farmers Union, and a consultant to the Todd County Council on Aging.

The DFL Party’s endorsement comes at a crucial time as the campaign gears up for the upcoming election season. 

“AJ Peters represents the best of what our party stands for: integrity, dedication, and a progressive agenda that focuses on real issues affecting our communities,” said Jennifer Cronin, chairperson of the DFL 7 th Congressional District. “We are proud to support his candidacy and look forward to working together to ensure his victory.”

Peters’ campaign has planned several upcoming events to connect with voters and outline his policy plans in detail. More information on these events and how to support the campaign can be found on the campaign’s official website.

For more details on AJ Peters’ campaign and his upcoming initiatives visit www.ajpetersforcongress.org or contact press@ajpetersforcongress.org.