EOT Breakfast on the Farm Aug. 3
News | Published on July 16, 2024 at 4:55pm EDT | Author: frazeevergas
This year’s EOT Breakfast on the Farm will be held Saturday, Aug. 3, from 7 a.m. – noon, on the Mick and Sandy Dombeck Farm located northwest of Perham.
By Darren Newville
District Manager, EOT SWCD
With summer in Lakes Country comes a variety of community events that celebrate our towns and communities. One of those events is the EOT Breakfast on the Farm.
The local agriculture community and a host of volunteers are all geared up for this year’s EOT Breakfast on the Farm event.
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 3 from 7 a.m. – noon, on the Mick and Sandy Dombeck Farm located northwest of Perham at 44734 410th Ave, Perham. (follow the signs).
This family friendly event is a great opportunity for non-farming families to connect with our local farming families and ag professionals to learn about modern farming operations and how our local agricultural community works together to produce our food.
In addition to getting an old-fashioned breakfast, those that attend will have the chance to ask those burning questions they have always had about agricultural production in the area. Attendees will be able to get an up-close look at the machinery and technology used in farming today. Local 4-H youth will have their animals on display and members of our local FFA’s will have activities for the kids, and yes, the ever-popular barrel train will be there too.
Agriculture lives at the core of society in Otter Tail County. The EOT Breakfast on the Farm is one way local residents can ensure that we build and maintain a connection and appreciation for the farming community. For more information about the event, visit www.eotbreakfastonthefarm.com/
Scholarship Information
The purpose of the EOT County Breakfast on the Farm scholarship is to assist students who either are from an active farming family or pursuing a career in the agricultural industry, or a career that would benefit the agricultural industry if not directly related.
The 2024 scholarship recipients were: Samuel Kopveiler, Morgan Guck and Haley Korkowski of New York Mills, along with Carter Seedorf of Perham.
Requirements for the scholarship include:
1. Current seniors in Frazee High School, Henning High School, New York Mills High School, Perham High School, or equivalent home-school base (student residences) located in Becker, Otter Tail, or Wadena Counties of Minnesota.
2. Active farming is defined as 60+ acres of crop or animal production either owned or leased.
If active farming status is questioned, the committee reserves the right to request supportive documents. The location of the farm is not relevant but must be immediate family.
Applicants will be scored in various areas. This is not solely merit based, extracurricular activities and general passion for the ag industry is highly weighted.
A scholarship essay explaining why entrants picked the field of study or major that they are striving for. This is not required, but encouraged, as it gives the committee insight into the character of the applicant that the merit portion won’t cover.
Application deadlines March 15
Available: 4 – $250 scholarships
Scholarship applications are available online at www.eotbreakfastonthefarm.com>About>Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarship applications can be mailed to:
EOT Breakfast on the Farm
c/o Alisyn Keil
48208 Luce St
Perham, MN 56573
Or emailed to: alisynkeil@gmail.com