Otter Tail County courthouse to get extra layer of security
News | Published on August 20, 2024 at 5:35pm EDT | Author: frazeevergas
0Heeter commended for life-saving actions

County Solid Waste employee Nick Heeter, right, was recognized for a successful life-saving effort by county commissioners on Aug. 13. He was recognized by County Board Chairman Kurt Mortenson.
By Robert Williams
The Otter Tail County courthouse will be getting an extra layer of security at its entrance. In recent years, the courthouse has gone to a single point secured entry staffed with a court security deputy using a metal detector, metal detecting wand and a bag scanner. The side doors have been locked and alarmed.
“We’re continuing to look for ways to improve our security and we identified an area of improvement, which is if somebody were inclined to run past our secured entry the only barrier in place is our court security deputy to give chase,” said Chief Deputy Reed Reinbold. “Which could lead to a physical confrontation. It also leaves the front door open and unattended.”
Working with facilities, the decision was made to add inner security doors just past the screening station.
“We want to balance the need for security with the need to keep it welcoming to the public and still to keep our historic building looking historic,” Reinbold said.
A court security grant is available and if awarded would give the department matching funds for the project.
The board approved Reinbold’s ability to apply for the grant and provide the matching funds.
Estimated costs are a maximum of $20,000.
District 2 Commissioner Wayne D. Johnson encouraged Reinbold to come back to the board if the department does not get the grant as there are ways to fund the door project.
The improvement is listed in the capital budget for 2025.
Heeter Commendation
Household Hazardous Waste Manager Nick Heeter, the current Otter Tail County Employee of the Month, received a second commendation. Board Chair Kurt Mortenson recognized Heeter’s outstanding actions on June 17.
“On lunch break at a restaurant, a guest with Mr. Heeter began to choke on food and could not breathe,” Mortenson said. “Mr. Heeter performed abdominal thrusts on the guest which dislodged the obstruction and the guest began to breathe. Mr. Heeter’s actions no doubt saved the life of this person. Otter Tail County recognizes and applauds these heroic actions which embody our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I would just add, for those who know Nick, his actions that I’ve just described come as no surprise. It’s a part of his character. It’s a part of who he is.”
Heeter has been an integral part of the Solid Waste Department since March of 2016.
Mortenson presented Heeter a letter of commendation.
“We talk a lot about the work-life balance and I embrace that myself and appreciate that the county protects our families so we can go home to take care of our families when they need it, but when I think of Nick, it’s called a balance because a lot of times, especially, in an operational department. that we have things that come up that need to be taken care of,” Solid Waste Director Chris McConn said. “Often, that is after hours and Nick is the one person in our department that I can think of, without being asked, steps forward to take care of the county.”
A bid from Gladen Construction, Inc., of Laporte, was approved to complete two curve realignments along Highway 47 at 110th street in St. Olaf township. There were five bids submitted with an engineer’s estimate of $447,727.25.
“To be honest, the low bid did not surprise me,” said County Engineer Krysten Foster. “The project originally included four curves and the other locations were dropped due to right-of-way acquisition concerns.”
Foster did not update the estimate at the time of advertisement, but did not do so to avoid time delays for the bid opening date. Four of the five bids were under $300,000, while one from J.R. Ferche, Inc., was double that at $596,484.53.
Gladen Construction, Inc. $227,801.12
According to Foster, 90 percent of the project is funded through the Highway Safety Improvement Program and she recommended the low bid of $227,801.12 from Gladen Construction, Inc., of Laporte.
Solid Waste
The following changes of hours of operations were approved and will be in effect as of Oct. 1.
• Fergus Falls Transfer Station open first Saturday of each month only 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Pelican Rapids Transfer Station open Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Fergus Falls HHW, Re-Use and Redemption Center open first Saturday of each month 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; and closed on Mondays, year-round.
• All other hours remain unchanged.
More information on locations around the county is available at