Otter Tail County proclaims September as National Recovery Month
News | Published on October 1, 2024 at 4:13pm EDT | Author: frazeevergas
Otter Tail County’s recovery team: Mariah Ellis, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor; Megan Holzbauer, Chemical Dependency Case Manager; Julie Stein, Behavioral Health Case Aid; Dana McClaflin, Chemical Dependency Case Manager.
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has declared September National Recovery Month. The county encourages all residents, businesses and organizations to recognize and promote the importance of recovery and provide support to individuals and families affected by substance use disorders.
“These are excellent programs, and the professionals involved are doing outstanding work. Thank you to everyone for your dedication,” said Commissioner Robert Lahman.
Otter Tail County has invested in programs to enhance access to treatment and recovery services to support recovery efforts further. Through the work of the Health and Wellness Team and partnerships with local organizations, individuals and their loved ones receive support during their recovery journey.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Coordination
Otter Tail County staff provide treatment coordination for people who need assistance to access treatment, make referrals, and conduct pre-petition screenings for civil commitment due to substance use disorder.
Re-Entry Social Worker
The county has also prioritized a program that addresses mental health and/or addiction across the county. A Re-Entry Social Worker completes Chemical Use Assessments for inmates who are residents of Otter Tail County.
Comprehensive Assessments
A Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor is available in Otter Tail County to complete Comprehensive Use Assessments for referred individuals aged 18 and above receiving services through Human Services and Probation.
Opioid Settlement Funds
The county receives Opioid Settlement Funds and has convened an Advisory Council to oversee the planning and allocation of these funds to local organizations committed to fighting substance use disorders.
Treatment Courts
In addition, through a partnership with the Minnesota Judicial Branch, Otter Tail County supports Treatment Courts, a key intervention program designed to help individuals with substance use and mental health disorders transition from the justice system into stable, recovery-focused lives.
This September and throughout the year, communities and individuals are asked to work together to raise awareness and promote recovery initiatives. This is a step toward achieving the goal of saving lives and supporting strategies to combat opioid and substance abuse. For more information on Otter Tail County’s initiatives and resources for recovery, visit