Shana Schwan’s class

Name: Ivan

Ingredients: sote, brudr, tuneck, vionre

Recipe Directions: First shote the tuneck then bring it home. After, put in the offen. Neyfook the tuneck in the eatin. Then put it out on the tablnd. Tiput the eafin to 100 gakds. Then put the tueck in the frisr for 10 minere. Then put it in the ofcina. Eat the tuneck with yoru family, other friends, grandma and grandpa. Set the taeer nice, eat and then clean.

Name: Annabelle

Ingredients: peper, BBQ, letess, ham, trucky, caruts, tomotos, potatos

Recipe Directions: First cook the tracky. Yous oven to be 120 degres. Next add peper to it and solt. Then stuff it with letess, tomotos, caruts, potatos and ham. Last take it out of the oven and eat the tracky. Ask the fally and frends if they like it. Then you try it.

Name: Cooper

Ingredients: salt, peper, viniger, turkey

Recipe Directions: first kill it with a knife. Next seesen it. Make the oven 400 put it on a pan. Then cook it in the uven. Last put it on a plate and put salt and pepper on it.

Name: Maggie

Ingredients: Solt and pepr, nachrseveings, bubr, turkey

Recipe Directions: first ckilit, cklchit bring home. Next put it on a pan put it in the ovin 80. The ntack it awt of the ovin. Last bran the chickin broth they eat.

Name: Clayton

Ingredients: soolt, cheese, turkey, buter, mr dash, vinger

Recipe Directions: First, shoot it in the woods then get it out of the woods. Next you got to cook it and then put on the spisis and then put the uvin on 500 dgrees. The get the tudle for the gest and then welcome your gest. Last say a prare with eveyone. Dig in!!!

Name: Havana

Ingredients: a turky, needs 10 minutes and I have to cook it.

Recipe Directions: Shout a turky. Put it in the oven. 80x, dugreas in the uven. Put the turky on the plates when you are donee cooking.

Name: Forrest

Ingredients: Peper, solt, vinger, crakers brokin up, red peper

Recipe Directions: I will biy a turkey from the stor. I set the tostotin an 300 30 degres. I get the solt and red peper and peper. I decrate the room and the tabol.

Name: Max

Ingredients: salt, peper, turkey, butter

Recipe Directions: First you have to kill it. And take off the felers. Next you have to put salt and peper and you have to put the turkey in for 190 dgres and you have to put it in for 6 houers. Then you have to put on the butter. Last you have to put it in the uven.

Name: Frances

Ingredients: turkey, salt, buter, pil, grill

Recipe Directions: First get a turkey. Next, put salt, beter, soil. You put it on the grill. You eat it.

Name: Emmie

Ingredients: pepr, trkee, sallt, sesnings, buttr

Recipe Directions: Kill the trkee I’m getting it from the barn that was at my grdmas farm. You will need sesnings and you will neen a pan and put the trkee on the pan. Put the oven on 3-5 dgres. You will put chicnkenen broth on it and you will need stuffing. You will need to set the tabll with plats and sillvwar and cut the trkey.

Name: Griffin

Ingredients: salt, peper, buter, suger, eeg

Recipe Directions: First cil it. Next I put the timer on the vofin. Then you bake it in the vofin. Last you eat it.

Name: Eleanor

Ingredients: Turky, salt, sesuning, butter

Recipe Directions: First I nead to by a turky at the store. Next I will unrap the plastik. Then preaheat for 77 in the uvin. Last pot on the topings then cut it up then put it on plate and serv it to your family.

Name: Brenner

Ingredients: vinger, ceesise, peper, solt, buder

Recipe Directions: You havt tow kill the turkey with a cotgun in the wuss. Bring the turkey bake to your home and backe it far 50 mitins and make your uvin 75 dgrees and soflle put the turkey in the uvin. Put in the ingredints cheess peper and solt, vinger bunder and for last put them in! Set the tabl with thanksgiving drekrashins bring your fames do your prars and then dig in!

Name: Charlette

Ingredients: sesing, butr and solt for a truy

Recipe Directions: kilit and chop its hede off then buy at the stor. Cook it at 180 in the oven for 30 mines and sesin it to. Put in with a pan to befor yoe put in the oven. You etu it with your famre on thacksgiving.

Name: Henry

Ingredients: solt, butter, garlic, onion powder, broth, carrots, celery, peper

Recipe Directions: trn on the uvin. Season the turkey. Put it in the oven. Take it awt and put it on the table.

Name: Toby

Ingredients: salt, pepper, butter, garlic, onion powder, broth, carrots, celery

Recipe Directions: trn on the oven. Season the turkey. Put it in the oven. Take it out and put on the table.

Name: Bailee

Ingredients: trcke, solt, budr, pepr, spray on the pane

Recipe Directions: My grandma is going to biy it and bring it to my house. Next my grandma is goign to put solt on the trke. Then pree het it to forty dgre. Last put your them on the tabol and gath famle and prar.

Name: Gavin

Ingredients: turkey, coorn, batatoos, pooting, gravee

Recipe Directions: Shoot it and breing it home then take the feths off. Ceok it 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dagrees. Cook batatoos and gravee. Eet it but it mite bee hat.

Name: Joseph

Ingredients: tow womrt fry the frigo, a trukey, uvinn, tenn, yoodneb, in the putt seneng on the turkey

Recipe Directions: First mimin pepr on the turkey thin yow put soder it. Put it in the turkey in the uvenn thin put it on ppmins. Yow tak it owt thiyor am beput it in the pilapolis on it. Yow put loss uv tmatos on it.

Name: Maci G

Ingredients: Turkey, solt, pepper, turkey sezinge

Recipe Directions: Put sezinge on it. Put it in the oven. Take it art of the oven. Eat it.

Markay Larson’s class

Name: Tona 

Ingredients: Corn, sugur, turkey one pound, mashed poatos, oil, burby q suose, gravy, range

Recipe Directions: By the turky from Walmart. Take the turkey out of the and cook it. Preheat the oven to 425 digrees and 20 minits. I am going to eat the turky.

Name: Osa

Ingredients: Salt, pepper, stuffing, mashed potatoes, oil, turky, stake, corn

Recipe Directions: go to Walmart to buy your turky. Get the turky washed and put in the pan. Set it to 24 degres. Set the tabel and invite family and freinds to eat with you at the label.

Name: Huck

Ingredients: Stuffing, sause, flower, baruqesause, marh patieo, meat, cariots

Recipe Directions: we go hunting and me and my dad get it. We wash it then we put it in the oven 255 1 hour. Take it out. We invinte my moms side then we go to my dads side.

Name: Liam

Ingredients: gave, mashps, brain, flawr, pepper, salt, oil, turkey

Recipe Directions: I hunting with my dad and my cuzen. Get it ready for the oven. Put in for 10 minits. Invite my cuzens and get und gamap ovr to eat.

Name: Keaton

Ingredients: turkey, slat and peper, oil, pepper, bake, bak potatoe, gravey, corn

Recipe Directions: go huting whith your mom and dad. Get the turkey so we can bake it at 45 dureys and 20 min. Bake the turkey in the oven at 45 dugreys and 20 min. Invite your frens and famely over to eat.

Name: Aleia

Ingredients: Pokon, turkey, mash ptatos, gravy, pokonuls, stufing, carits, srgr

Recipe Directions: hunting for the turkey. Unrap the pakig than cook the turkey. Cook the trukey for 2 hawrs. Then invite your frens and famuley.

Name: Ivy

Ingredients: buder, mashbtateose, solt, shuger, peper, tumadeose, popkoren

Recipe Directions: I will go to trget to get a turkey. I will take the rapr off off the tukey and put the turkey in the oven. I will turn on the oven. I will invite my frends and famly.

Name: Marissa

Ingredients: a turckey, gravy, corn, oil, buter, a 2 pund turckey, stufing, salt and peper

Recipe Directions: Get the turcey from the stor at Walrmart. Get it in the kichen and stuf it and the turcey shud be cookd for 2 awers. Wen the turcey is cooking you set the tabel and get peopel to come. You and peopel that were invited eat the turcey and the people wen you are done you clean up.

Name: Otto

Ingredients: Ptatt grave, salid, der, korn, sosij, dets, mashtptato, tokomet

Recipe Directions: Buy the turkey frum Walmart. We kook the turkey fro a day at 100 dgres. Then eat at Bibrum. We invit my frens und famle. We set the tabel for all are famle and frens.

Name: Eden

Ingredients: mashed potados, pepper, oil, salt, turkey, flower, gravy, barbeckew

Recipe Directions: Buy the turkey from the groshre store. Get the oven redey. Get the oven redey at one hundred degres put it in one hour. Invite friends kusins gramus – grampus unckels and onts over.

Name: Freyja

Ingredients: Turkey, oyl, pinapl, solt, pepr, grave, flowr, shugr

Recipe Directions: I git a turkey from dolrtre. I wosh a pan and put it on the pan. I put it in the uven for a hawr. I get my famle and eat it.

Name: Abel

Ingredients: cnickin, th

Recipe Directions: sqkhral mrilt. Red pepr fake solt and pepr. We poot it in the uvin. An to grandma and gramp.

Name: JoJo

Ingredients: Turkey srgry, stot, cookit, mashtato, kritrs

Recipe Directions: Frst you meb to get a turkey frum a stor like mort ven voy got to haf to git the turkey. Ven you bakit poot the vem on the uvin 51. Cook mashtato srgry stot. And ckusins grappy gramy mon and dad eat it.

Name: Ryan

Ingredients: turkey mashptoos and grave, caite, bred, frout, brdqe, spite

Recipe Directions: We cech the terkey. We put it in the ovin. We set it for 25 mineit. We go to aunt’s house.

Caitlin Breitenfeldt’s class

Name: Wesley

Ingredients: peppers, peanut butter, water, corn, oven, stuffing, butter, cheese

Recipe Directions: First I put the stuffing the oven. When the stuffing is done. I will put the peanut butter on it. Next I will put water and butter in with my corn and cook. No wiw clean up my peppers and put my cheese on to put all the food on the table to eat.

Name: Isabella

Ingredients: pepper, stuffing, hot sauce, water, oven, garlic butter, broccoli, turkey

Recipe Directions: First I went to a store to git my turkey and I pepper hot sauce garlic butter and water. Next put turkey in the oven to cook at 460 for 6 hours. Next I cooked the broccoli and made the stuffing. I put the plates on the table then mom and I put the tuykey in the middle of the table for my whole family to eat.

Name: Harper

Ingredients: Oven, stuffing, turkey, broccoli, cheese, garlic, potatoes, corn

Recipe Directions: Me and my mom went to the store to get the ingredients. We upen the turkey to put the garlic an the turkey to punt an 350 in the oven. I will boil my broccoli and corn. When the broccoli is done I will put the chesse on it then I will make the stuffing.

Name: Hensley

Ingredients: turkey, solt pepr garlic

Recipe Directions: Get a turkey. Water. Solt and Peper. Garlic.

Name: Alias

Ingredients: gravy, potatoes, pepper, salt, butter, corn, oven, turkey

Recipe Directions: I got to the store to biy my suplis then I opitn my turkey add salt, pepper, butter. Then I put my turkey in a roaster and put in ovin at 534 for 3 hours. Then I put cooked my corn and potatoes along with my gravy. Then I set the table up to eat then put all the food on the table for my family to eat!

Name: Myah

Ingredients: garlic, stuffing, salt, pepper

Recipe Directions: Ill get a turkey. Cook my turkey in the oven for 50 *f. Ill put the stuffing garlic and salt and pepper on the turkey. Now I’ll eat it.

Name: Verona

Ingredients: garlic, salt, water boul, potatoes, butter, peper, oven, baccn

Recipe Directions: I am going to get a wiled turkey. Garlic, salt, water boul, potatoes, buter, peper, oven adn baccn on my turkey. Bake at 350 *f degreas for 12 minits. Eat it.

Name: Ahnalee

Ingredients: wild turkey, oven, pepper, water, hot sauce, ghost pepper, syrup, rooster

Recipe Directions: You get a wild turkey and you cook it in the oven. When you take it out put pepper wtaer hot sauce ghost pepper syrup and rooster on it. You decorate your home for the guests and add extra food for on the side. You invite eveyone you now and love.

Name: Aeric

Ingredients: oven, vegethtv oil, wild turkey, 550*f, boul water, stuffing, potatoes, sult

Recipe Directions: sult wild turkey potatoes and graber stuffing. Boul water vegetute oil, gariis salt peper on turkey, oven 550 *f 5 hours.


Ingredients: oven, solt and peper, croc pot, turkey

Recipe Directions: get a turkey from the store, thaw, sesen the turkey, put the turkey in the crokpot.

Name: Gabe

Ingredients: popcorn, hot sause, corn, stuffing, syrup, ghost peppers, gravy, cheese

Recipe Directions: first you shoot a wild turkey then you tak out the guts. You put it in a oven. You put the ingrediants in. Last you put, hat the 50*f for twenty minutes.

Name: Toveah

Ingredients: hot sauce, corn, stuffing, gravy, ghost pepper, pepper, potatoes, vegetable oil

Recipe Directions: I will put the ingredients on. Then I will cook it to 400*f. I will wat an tell it don. Then me and my family will eat it.

Name: Addi

Ingredients: water, gurlic, turkey, cheese, vegetable, hot sauce, two turkey, oven 432

Recipe Directions: I will put the turkey in the oven. Then I will put the garlic on. Then I will put the hot sauce. Then I will pull the vegeetable.

Name: Awin

Ingredients: hot sauce, turky

Recipe Directions: Frst put hot sauce ar thke. Put turkey pepi ohnb ty. Put it in the oven. 350*f.

Name: Deegan

Ingredients: Vegetable oil, oven, gravy in it, krade metinit, pop corne, Cheetos, water, stuffing

Recipe Directions: klie trke.

Name: Crosby

Ingredients: pepper, corn, salt, potaos, wild turkey, vegetable oil, onion, gravy, garlic, hot sauce, oven, butter, melted cheese

Recipe Directions: First Im gonna hant my turkey so I can cook it in my oven my tempture is gonna be 400*f I’d put it in for 40 minutes. I put water to cook it then put it on a tray to put my ingredients out I’m gonna put a lot. Then I cook it then I for fourty minutes I’m gonna put two thats gonna take eighty minutes. Then I wait for it to be done then I get my famile to eat it on the table yum.

Name: Mya

Ingredients: Popcorn, stuffing, oven, pepper, water, vegetable oil, turkey, butter

Recipe Directions: I get my turkey. I stuff my turkey. I put it in the oven for 50*f. I eat my turkey.

Name: Scarlet

Ingredients: Oven, soup, vejes, grove, mashed ptates, grave, hososs, gtuvig mushroms

Recipe Directions: First you out of set at rave notisos wotr. Then you tak it owt. You invit pepl family and fends. And you hav run and eat.

Name: Austin

Ingredients: hot sous, pop corn, chees ture, watr, salt, pepper, wild tyre, butter

Recipe Directions: I wait put the trer in the uvin. The trce nesz chees tur on it. The trcenes sat. The tre get eat.

Name: Gabby

Ingredients: salt, vegetable oil, wild turkey, oven, garlic, pepper, butter

Recipe Directions: Shot a wild turke. Put sesining on the wild turkey. Coke the wild turkey 550*f. 40 horse. I and my family eat it.