Bruhn, Fischer honored for years of service on Vergas council
News | Published on December 24, 2024 at 11:11am EST | Author: frazeevergas
0Deputy Clerk applicants to be sought for city office in January
By Robert Williams
Outgoing Mayor Julie Bruhn and Council Member Natalie Fischer celebrated for their efforts at the last scheduled council meeting of the year Tuesday, Dec. 10. Both were back in the office Friday, Dec. 20 for a special council meeting to sign off on a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with Otter Tail County to provide shoreland permitting and inspection services.
The MOA was reviewed by City Attorney Thomas Winters prior to its acceptance.
The agreement was brought to council and the county by the Vergas Planning and Zoning committee, according to council member Bruce Albright.
Otter Tail County will be handling the shoreland ordinance for a two-year trial period.
When it comes to shoreland permitting, the lesser government bodies have more power in enforcement.
“We can be more strict than the state and the county but we can’t be less strict,” he said. “We’re not implementing anything new here.”
City positions
Also discussed at the special meeting were changes to the Event Center Coordinator position, including a realignment to a job title of Event Center Support. The change amounts to a savings of $5,108 with administrative duties returning to the city office and physical duties on-site remaining with the support person.
Liquor Clerk
Any changes planned for the Liquor Store clerk were tabled awaiting more American Disabilities Act. Proposed changes include changing full-time staff to part-time and utilizing seasonal periods during the year to increase work hours for staff.
Due to increased traffic in the city office for service, Bruhn proposed hiring a Deputy Clerk to replace the current receptionist and provide higher level support to Julie Lammers.
Bruhn related a story when Lammers was forced to miss work and it brought Vergas city operations to a halt.
“We shut down,” said Bruhn.
Also noted was a receptionist and a deputy clerk are not needed, so the receptionist position will be eliminated when the deputy clerk is hired.
The position will be part-time with mandatory Friday mornings from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Event Center Bar
Increasing fees for using the bar at the Event Center as a caterer or consumer with exemptions for city events. The issue was tabled and sent back to the Event Center committee for further discussion.
A budget increase of four percent was recommended by Candor, Dora and Hobart (CDH) – Vergas Fire Board, which translates to $579.20 annually for the Vergas portion and a yearly total of $15,059.33. This increases the overall budget from $131,637.52 to $136,903.02.The increase was approved unanimously.
The council approved rate increases for sewer and water: a $3 base rate increase for water.
“We’re in the hole again on water, like $25,000,” said Fischer. Sewer rates will go up 25 cents per 1,000 gallons.
Utilities Superintendent Mike DuFrane stated the need for a fence around the water treatment plant at the November meeting of the water and sewer committee. The average cost of a 6-foot fence is $20 per square foot. DuFrane recommended a fence around the whole city parcel. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has a $10,000 grant the city can apply for, and this is included in the Vergas Well Head Protection Plan.
The grant application deadline is in February. The council approved pursuing the grant and will know if it’s approved by the end of February.
A fence around the shop would need to come from the general fund budget and be discussed with the Streets/Sidewalk/Yard Waste committee. The committee recommended a fence around the water treatment area and applying for the MPCA grant.
Estimates will be sought prior to submitting for the grant.
DuFrane also discussed the main sewer pump needing to be replaced soon. The number 1 pump has a one-hour run time while our other pumps have a 2.3-7 hour run time.
The cost to replace the main lift station pump in 2012 was $13,819.40 and DuFrane estimated the cost to be around $24,000. The lift station on County Road 4 and 60 has been hit a couple of times and will at some point need to be replaced. The committee suggested putting up protective casings around the lift station. The cost of replacing is around $13,000. Requested $37,000 for sewer improvements.
Park Board
The Park Board requested to transfer $15,000 to the city’s money market account. Spending was limited in 2024 as the Park Board did not spend any of their $20,000, instead saving to donate to the Long Lake Park renovation.
Streets/Sidewalks/Yard Waste
Three lights were approved to be ordered for the Sunny Oaks development.
A right of way update to East Lake Street is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
City Engineer Blaine Green discussed the extension of Scharf Avenue. Green did not make any recommendation for the city to take over the road until next spring.
A preliminary levy of 9.9 percent, set in October, dropped to a final number of 6.97 percent.
“We have really done well to stay in the single digits compared to other communities,” said Bruhn.
The first city council meeting of 2025 is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 6:30 p.m.