5 years ago

Frazee-Vergas Forum

March 17, 2020

Frazee residents will soon see cameras being installed around the city as a camera system purchase was approved at the monthly Frazee City Council meeting on Monday, March 10. Arvig Business Solutions Consultant Eric Pilgram gave a demonstration of the different camera abilities to the council. He said the cities and entities that owned the live camera feeds he showed the council were all approved to be used in the demonstration.

The Frazee-Vergas School Board worked at breakneck speed last Monday night. With approximately 15 people in attendance, the school board met for just 15 minutes before it completed an abbreviated agenda. As part of its agenda, the school board approved the hiring of Dyan Ebert, Quinlivan and Hughes as attorneys after receiving a complaint at the school district. Frazee-Vergas Superintendent Terry Karger did not elaborate what the complaint entailed, or what was at the heart of the investigation, but said an investigation would be needed.

25 years ago

Frazee Forum

March 16, 2000

Carlitos Cantina & Mexican Restaurant will be expanding soon. The plan is to add seating for 60-65 more patrons and to have private dining areas for groups. The expansion project connects the cantina to a portion of the area formerly used as Tall Timber Gift Shop. The gift shop will be moved forward in the Skyview City Centre. Workers were busy moving new booths in for the expansion this week.

Woods & Whatnots is in the process of moving its growing business on Main Avenue, Frazee. Owner Lori Dretsch said her packaging business will move from its East Main location to the former elevator building on West Main within the next three weeks. The business has expanded to eight full-time employees and up to four part-time employees. Currently, Woods & Whatnots is filling a large order of cooler filters for Fridge Guard, a former Frazee business which has moved out of state.

One of the cuts at the Frazee School Board meeting includes replacing retiring full-time elementary art teacher Carol Tappe with a half-time teacher. The original scenario in connection with the move was to fill the half-time position by shifting the responsibilities of an existing elementary faculty member.

50 years ago

Frazee Forum

March 20, 1975

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huwe wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Faye, to Edgar Hendrickx, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrickx. Faye, a graduate of Frazee High School, is employed at Prudential Insurance of Minneapolis. Edgar, a graduate of New York Mills High School, is engaged in farming. A May 24 wedding is planned.

The annual Frazee Firemen’s Ball will be held Friday, April 4 at Spruce Grove Club and your support will be greatly appreciated. All net proceeds from the dance will go toward a new 4-wheel drive three-quarter ton vehicle equipped with a water tank, pump and hose reel for use in fighting grass fires and other off-the-road fires that are extremely difficult to get at with a larger fire truck. Even if you don’t plan on attending the dance, you may leave your $2.00 donation with any firemen—and you may win a $25 savings bond.