Average taxpayer will see less than a $2 levy increase

Photo by Robert Williams
The Frazee-Vergas School Board. Front row, L-R: Tyler Trieglaff – Clerk, Nathan Matejka – Chairman and Daneele Shipman – Vice Chair. Back row: Simon George, Tammie Nunn – Treasurer and Michael Frank.

By Robert Williams


The Frazee-Vergas School Board approved to pay its proportionate share of Long Term Facility Maintenance (LTFM) with the Freshwater Education District (FED) for fiscal year 2027 at the latest meeting of the board on Monday, March 10.

The FED School Board has approved a long-term facility maintenance program budget for its facilities for the 2026-27 school year (FY 2027) in the amount of $85,000 of which ISD 23’s proportionate share is $9,194.86 for pay as you go projects.

“Every July, we come to you with our LTFM plan; it’s a 10-year plan; we look at what projects we are seeking to do,” said Superintendent Terry Karger. “As you know, this past one we took a big chunk of our LTFM and put it on our roofs. That’s ours. Freshwater exists because there are 12 other schools like us that utilize their buildings. We’re the reason they have their buildings. They are seeking to gather about $85,000 in LTFM funds for some of their needs for their buildings.”

Some of the uses of the district in Freshwater buildings include: Special Education services, business offices and schooling for Level 4 students.  

In the Minnesota school systems, Level 4 in the context of Special Education refers to Setting 4, the most restrictive instructional setting provided by a public school district, typically for students with significant social, emotional, or behavioral needs.

According to Karger, Frazee-Vergas’ proportionate share of $9,194.86 will be “attached” to the district’s LTFM. Each member district may include its proportionate share of the costs of the intermediate school district program in its long-term facility maintenance revenue application.

“It does not affect our LTFM,” he said. “It attaches to it and allows us and the 12 other districts to attain some LTFM monies that can go to Freshwater for them to do some building updates.”

It’s a one-year plan. The proportionate share of the costs of the intermediate school district’s long-term facility maintenance program for each member school district to be included in its application shall be determined by multiplying the total cost of the intermediate school district long-term facility maintenance program times a three-year weighted average adjusted pupil units formula. 

For instance, Perham-Dent will pay the largest share of the 13 districts at $24,270. 

For school year 2026-27 (fiscal year 27), the long-term facility maintenance costs shall be funded through annual levy. The inclusion of this proportionate share in the district’s long-term facility maintenance revenue application is subject to approval by the Commissioner of Education. Upon receipt of the proportionate share of long-term facility maintenance revenue attributable to the intermediate school district program, the district shall promptly pay to the intermediate school district the applicable aid or levy proceeds.

Karger equated the increase for the taxpayer by an example of the average $300,000 house across all 13 districts will see an increase of $1.97.

“Because there are a large number of schools and a very large tax base the resolution to attach this LTFM addendum isn’t of a great impact to our tax people, but it does allow them (Freshwater) to keep their buildings up that we utilize,” said Karger.

The agreement is much like a cooperative and the district can exit the program anytime if it discontinues its association with Freshwater.

Freshwater’s mission is to increase and improve educational opportunities for all learners.

The district operates with the goal to offer a wide array of educational services and resources that might not be efficiently attainable for each individual district on its own. By pooling resources, expertise, and innovation, Freshwater Education District provides specialized programs, support services, and initiatives that benefit students, teachers and the broader educational community. 

Through this cooperative approach, the district enables its member schools to access cost-effective solutions, specialized educational programs, professional development opportunities and other resources that contribute to the overall enhancement of learning experiences. This collaborative effort ensures that each member district receives support tailored to its specific needs while fostering a community where best practices are shared, innovative ideas are cultivated, and educational excellence is continually pursued. 

The following are services that Freshwater provides:

• Special Education

• Area Learning Center (ALC)

• Early Childhood Family Education/School Readiness (ECFE/SR)

• Adult Basic Education (ABE)

• Technology

• Business Office

For more information visit: www.fed.k12.mn.us


March numbers for elementary enrollment are totaled at 440, including 26 pre-K students. Breakdown by class: kindergarten 68; first grade 59; second grade 65; third grade 64; fourth grade 63; fifth grade 62; sixth grade 59.

High School Principal Jason Smith reported enrollment as steady in the upper grades. There are 406 students enrolled, up from 370 at the end of last school year. By class: seventh grade 69; eighth grade 77; ninth grade 66; 10th grade 68; 11th grade 72; 12th grade 54.

Applications for enrollment out of the district to: Menahga (1); Detroit Lakes (1); Perham (1) and none into the district.

Food Service

Food Service Director Cheryl Neyens’ school kitchens passed the Minnesota Department of Health’s Inspection with a clean report, according to Karger.

“Congratulations go out to Cheryl Neyens and her food service crew,” Karger said.

Hornet Pride

The Weight Room Activity Account received donations from Jason Bauer for $100, Softball Boosters Club for $250, The Vigen Family for $100 and Tavia and Andrew Bachmann for $100.

The elementary school was having difficulty finding money for T-Shirts for staff and students for the upcoming Team Olympics. PCN Grant Coordinator Heidi Moen donated $4,000 from the Positive Community Norms grant funds, along with BTD Manufacturing adding $2,000.

“Much appreciation to those folks for providing those for our kids,” Elementary Principal Travis Nagel said.


The school board approved the following:

Retirement of the Food Service Manager Cheryl Neyens, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.

Retirement of the Executive Assistant from Stacey Foss, effective June 30.

Resignation of an Early Childhood Family Education Teacher Julie Wirth, effective the last day of the ECFE 2024-25 school year programming.

Resignation of a Paraeducator Tara Storey, effective February 7.

Resignation of a Food Service Worker Troy Tieden.

Resignation of the Youth Leader for Positive Community Norms Grant Amy Kilde, effective March 3.

Hiring a Food Service Worker Julie Gengler.

Hiring a Junior High Girls Softball Coach Kari Shipman.


Karger congratulated ECFE Coordinator and District Business Manager Chrissy Clapsaddle for submitting the Voluntary Prekindergarten Application for funding, submitted for fiscal years (FY) 2026-29. The application has been reviewed by the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families and is considered complete and fundable per current statute.

“That is a great deal; things are going in the right direction down there,” said Karger. 

School calendar

The 2025-26 School Calendar was approved unanimously.