Updating 151 lakes, 15 in Becker and Otter Tail Counties

March is the month to connect with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources fisheries offices across Minnesota about 151 lakes in 40 counties that will have their fisheries lake management plans updated in 2025.

Comments from people interested in the health and quality of Minnesota’s fisheries are a critical part of the DNR’s fisheries lake management planning process. These plans establish fisheries management goals and objectives for each lake and guide the work fisheries biologists do each year.

The DNR wants input from anyone interested in these fisheries. Comments about preferred experiences, observations or general concerns about the fishery – rather than suggestions on how DNR might accomplish a specific goal or objective – are the most helpful kinds of input.

People who want to discuss any of the individual fisheries listed below must call or email the area fisheries office listed for each lake during February.

Contact information for specific fisheries can be found at dnr.state.mn.us/fisheries/lake-management

• Becker County Lakes scheduled for plan updates: Detroit, Island, Little Sugar Bush, Little Toad, Many Point, White Earth

• Otter Tail County Lakes scheduled for plan updates: Clitheral, Dead, North Lida, Otter Tail, Pelican, South Lida, South Ten Mile, Star, West Battle.