Wallin reflects on her reign as Miss Frazee’s teen
News | Published on July 5, 2022 at 12:05pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
0Platformed passion for small-town service

By Kathryn Wilkowski

As giving up the crown comes near, Annalynn Wallin has said that her year as Miss Frazee’s Outstanding Teen was a one-of-a-kind experience that has shaped her to be the best person she could be at the young age of 15.
“Heather Perrine texted my mom like a week or two before the pageant to convince me to try out,” Wallin said. “After that, I thought it would be fun. If I won it would be great, but if I didn’t win it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.”
During the local Miss Frazee pageant, Wallin won $900 from scholarships and explained that going into it, she had no idea what to expect.
“I went in with an open mind and ended up having a blast,” she said.
With a passion for community service, Wallin had focused her efforts this year on getting the youth in the area more excited about helping out around the community through volunteering.
“Only 14 percent of the population volunteer yearly, with the majority of that small percentage being adults,” she said. “I don’t think people realize the importance that community service plays in our small town community. We all rely on each other and without community service, we wouldn’t be anywhere. I think it’s really important to get more kids involved and excited about helping.”
Alongside the many events planned with Miss Frazee Katelyn Mack, Wallin has gone on her own and started a club at the school called Interact where she gathers monthly with a group of students to plan events.
“The goal is to get kids ambition to help out around the school and community, while also having fun. We started with only five kids and now we have over 30,” she said. “We’ve done things like coloring contests, scavenger hunts, a dress drive, decorating for different events, and different dress-up weeks. It’s been so much fun and really successful. I plan on doing this for as long as I am in high school.”
Wallin also competed in Miss Minnesota’s Outstanding Teen last March and won two scholarships, including raising the most money for the “text to give” fundraiser and also won the non-finalist talent award winner for $250.
“It was so much fun,” said Wallin. “I went in just wanting to make the most of the experience. All the girls were great and I still talk to them. We only spent like two days together but we all came out as friends; it was crazy.”
As Wallin’s busy year comes to an end, she explained that she feels both excitement and sadness for the last month of her reign.
“It’s gone by so fast,” she said. “It’s going to be so weird. I am so excited for someone else to enjoy this experience but I’m also sad to not be the queen anymore.”
Both Wallin and Mack will be hosting a candidate meeting Wednesday, July 6, for information on how to run for the upcoming pageant.