Anne Tonette Omundson

Anne Tonette Omundson, of Frazee, was sentenced on two of five charges Monday, June 24 in Becker County District Court.

Omundson, 48, was the former manager of the club at the Frazee-Vergas Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7702 from 2019 through February 2022. She was accused of stealing $68,000 from the club and $6,250 from the club’s scholarship account.

According to court records, Omundson was charged with two felony counts of theft by swindle, another charge of felony theft and a charge of felony unemployment benefits – false representation. She also faced a gross misdemeanor charge of gambling fraud-claims prize by fraud.

All three theft charges were dismissed, while Omundson was convicted of the felony unemployment benefits – false representation charge, count 3, and the gambling fraud gross misdemeanor, count 5.

On count 5, Omundson was sentenced to 364 days in the Becker County Jail with 334 days of that time stayed for 2 years leaving a sentence of 30 days with credit for time served of one day. A 30-day sentence on count 3 was ordered to run concurrently, by Becker County District Judge Gretchen Thilmony.

Omundson was ordered to report to Becker County Jail on or before July 12, where she is currently in custody.

Upon her release, Omundson will be placed on supervised probation for 5 years and monitored by MN Department of Corrections – Field Services and two years of supervised probation, monitored by Becker County Probation.

She must must comply with the following conditions:

• Follow all State and Federal criminal laws.

• Contact your probation officer as directed.

• Tell probation officer within 72 hours if charged with any new crime.

• Tell probation officer within 72 hours of an address change, employment, or telephone number change.

• Tell probation officer within 72 hours if any contact with law enforcement.

• Cooperate with the search of person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by probation officer.

• Sign all releases of information

• Do not use or possess firearms, ammunition or explosives

• Give a DNA sample when directed.

• Complete Gambling Assessment or complete Gambling Program, if available in Becker County

• Restitution reserved

• Obtain Permission from Agent before leaving the State

Omundson was also fined $250 in court fees. The amount does not reflect any restitution owed. A restitution hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m., on Wednesday, July 31.