Five 4-H youth from Becker County participated in the Minnesota 4-H State Horse show Sept. 13-16, 2024. This year, over 680 youth from across the state participated in the annual event at the Minnesota State Fair. 

4-H’ers demonstrate their skills and knowledge in hippology (showing knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry), horse judging (study of an animal, measuring it against an accepted ideal), horse training and achievement, speech and demonstrations about interest in horses or the horse industry, showmanship and drill team skills.

Youth who participate in the Minnesota 4-H Horse Project learn about show, trail, and endurance riding; test their horse knowledge at quiz bowls or on judging teams, and study horse science. Youth may participate if they own or lease a horse.

There are even options for youth who are interested in horses, but don’t have access to one in their community.

“Through the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show, youth build communications skills, gain deeper learning and interest in horses, and build relationships with caring adults,” said Renee Kostick, Extension Educator who manages the 4-H horse project in Minnesota. “These experiences contribute to their success in school, community, and futures.”

The following youth were members of the Becker County delegation:

4-H’ers placing in top 10 or higher:

Hadley Mack – Independent 4-H (10th Grade): 7th Western Pleasure, 7th Western Horsemanship, 6th Hunt Seat Pleasure, 6th Trail

Hailey Schauer – Franklin 4-H (10 th Grade): 1st Horse Training-Step 1, Other State Horse Participants

Damien Splonskowski – Busy Bees 4-H (7th grade)

Francesca Splonskowski – Busy Bees 4-H (9th grade)

Lucia Splonskowski – Busy Bees 4-H (9th grade)

To learn more about Minnesota 4-H Horse Project, contact Elliott Lawrence, Becker County Extension Educator and also visit the website,

About Extension 4-H: 4-H is a youth development program of the University of Minnesota Extension. Available for youth grades k-1 year after high school, 4-H’ers participate in hands-on learning experiences in STEM, citizenship; leadership, animal science, creative arts and much more. Through this learn-by-doing process, youth obtain essential life skills such as problem solving, decision making, coping and communicating that help them succeed in their school, college, community and career. 

Research shows that youth who participate in 4-H have better grades and are more emotionally engaged with school, are more than twice as likely to be civically active and contribute to their communities, and are 47 percent less likely to have risky or problem behaviors.

State dog show

Four 4-H youth from Becker County participated in the Minnesota 4-H State Dog show Sept. 21-22, 2024. In total, 369 youth from across the state who made up 1,269 entries participated in this annual event, held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.

Over the two-day event, 4-H’ers demonstrate their skills and knowledge in agility, obedience, showmanship and rally, competing against other youth in their age group and experience level.

Youth members of the Minnesota 4-H Dog Project learn to train and build a trusting relationship with their pet. Topics of study include canine behavior, breed characteristics, diseases, ethics, grooming, health, nutrition, responsible breeding, service dogs, therapy dogs, dog-related careers and the wide array of dog sports.

“Youth learn so much responsibility from training their dog and competing in the 4-H State Dog Show,” said Kim Lambert, one of the many caring adults who volunteer with the 4-H Dog Project statewide. “These kids work all year long, building strong partnerships with their dogs. If they don’t work carefully with their dogs, the dogs won’t work for them. The responsibility kids learn here they can use forever.”

The following youth were members of the Becker County delegation:

Lillian Hembre – Happy Hillside (7th Grade): Blue Obedience – Beginner, Red Showmanship – Open, Blue Rally – Novice, White Rally – Pre-Advanced

Melanie Honer – Happy Hillside (4th grade): Red Obedience – Beginner, Red Showmanship – Open, Blue Rally – Pre Novice

Piper Hembre – Happy Hillside (11th grade): Blue Obedience – Beginner, Blue Showmanship – Open, Blue Rally – Novice

Stephanie Honer – Happy Hillside (5th grade): Red Obedience – Foundation, Red Showmanship – Novice, Blue Rally – Foundation

To learn more about the 4-H Dog Project, contact 4-H Local Extension Educator, Elliott Lawrence at (218) 846-7328 (Extension 3) and visit the website,