Notes from the Farm…All the cows and calves are home and eating our third crop hayfields that we did not cut and bale. They can also munch on a couple corn fields that have been chopped for silage.  We will put the cows on a different corn field once we run the combine through that field. 

Last year we bought corn from a neighbor, but this year we will use our own corn for grain. Last year all the corn was chopped for silage. We have a little silage left from last year as well as the year before. Hopefully that silage is still good under the plastic cover. We will start feeding silage in a couple weeks, around deer hunting time I reckon.  

I suppose we need to get the corn field combined so we can see the deer during hunting season. Once the cows are in the cornfield eating the leaves and stalks, we will feed some grass hay bales as well as some alfalfa hay. The alfalfa hay will provide the protein the cows need for the developing calf they are carrying. We also have the veterinarian coming at the end of the month to preg check the cows.  

Hopefully they are all pregnant, but any open cows will eventually be sent to the sales barn. We may take one cow and feed her some corn in the fat pen and then have her made into ground beef. While the preg checking is going on, we will also start the weaning process with the calves. The calves all got their first round of shots as we brought them home from the pasture so they will be ready for their booster shots in a few weeks.  

Friday Oct. 4

6 p.m. Report of a juvenile female making possible suicidal threats. Officer talked with female and her parents.

7:32 p.m. Traffic complaint for loud exhaust.

11:35 p.m. Report of property damage at the Little Turkey Park with a pickup hitting the patio blocks and planters around the park.

Saturday Oct. 5

4:38 p.m. Report of a fake $20 bill in town. The bill had markings that said “Motion Picture Purposes” across the top of the bill. Under investigation.

6:46 p.m. Female reporting losing her wallet in town

Monday Oct. 7

3:37 p.m.Traffic stop and warning for speed.

5:13 p.m. Assist with a larger than allowed campfire on Co Hwy 29.

5:48 p.m. Report of a juvenile male stealing from the grocery store. Parents were notified and boy was trespassed from the store.

5:50 p.m. Assist Otter Tail County with a call on US Hwy 10.

8:14 p.m. Report of a loose calf in the area of the turkey barns on St Hwy 87. Officer and others tracked and tried to wrangle the loose bovine for several hours before it was lost in the area behind the funeral home.

11:06 p.m. Assist with a vehicle that would not start at the gas pumps.

Tuesday Oct. 8

1:57 p.m. Welfare check on an elderly male who was not answering the door. Male was transported to the hospital earlier in the day.

2:22 p.m. Assist with a medical.

3:20 p.m. Resident complaining about a dog barking in a neighbor’s apartment.

6:39 p.m. Report of white mini van with several occupants going around town trying to peddle home repairs. Officer told them that they needed to contact city hall before trying to do transient type business in town.

7:09 p.m. Traffic stop and warning for speed.

Wednesday Oct. 9

9:12 a.m. Report of damage to a vehicle and not sure when or where it happened. Report for insurance information.

10:56 a.m. Report of a minor fender bender.

3:26 p.m. Resident who lives on the edge of town reporting two juvenile boys were on his property this morning and possibly up to no good.

3:52 p.m. Second officer received a phone call about the same two boys on a different piece of property in town, this happened around 10:30 a.m. Caller told the boys they were not welcome on the property.

Thursday Oct. 10

8:19 a.m. Pedestrian calling to report almost being hit by a vehicle. Vehicle was not located.

1:37 p.m. Parking ticket issued to vehicle parked too close to crosswalk.

2:26 p.m. Alarm at a business. All ok.

3:21 p.m. Parking complaint on Willow Ave W. Officer talked with vehicle owner about parking close to the stop sign and the 24-hour parking ordinance in town. Officer suggested moving the pickup and trailer so as not to violate the ordinance and possibly parking on the other side of the street where there was more room.