Photo by Robert Williams
Temporary latex painted crosswalks were recently installed in downtown Vergas. The county will continue to maintain the paint until more permanent crosswalks are installed.

By Robert Williams


Vergas City Clerk-Treasurer Julie Lammers reported on the temporary painted crosswalks that were installed recently on Main Street In Vergas at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 8.

Latex paint was the only option to install this time of year and the crosswalks will remain in temporary status until the next county road project coming through Vergas which is expected within the next five years, according to a county response to Lammers’ inquiry.

Otter Tail County will install the crosswalks on Linden Street and crosswalks with more longevity with the upcoming project, and it would be the City’s responsibility to maintain the markings after that time.

“Right now, with the latex paint, the county will maintain them until we get the full crosswalks,” said Lammers. 


There was no input at a public meeting regarding the Ordinance 91.04 regarding farm animals in the city. The council unanimously approved the following exemption for chickens.

Farm animals shall only be kept in an agricultural district of the city, or on a residential lot of at least ten acres in size provided that no animal shelter shall be within 300 feet of an adjoining piece of property. An exception shall be made to this section for those animals brought into the city as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition.

An exception shall be made for chickens when the following requirements shall be met:

1. No more than four (4) chickens shall be kept on the premises (parcel);

2. Chickens shall be kept in a coop or attached coop run/enclosed at all times;

3. No roosters shall be kept on the premises;

4. The premises must be located in a Single and Two-Family Residential (R-1) or Limited Multiple-Family Residential (R-2) zoning district; and

5. The premises must have a lot area of at least five thousand (5,000) square feet.

6. A $10 license is purchased annually at the city office.

Snowmobile route

A public meeting was held prior to the monthly Vergas City Council meeting on Sept. 10 to hear from the Lake Runners Trail Association to discuss rerouting options for the snowmobile trail through town.

Tuesday, the city council tabled a decision on either the trail to run from County Road 35 to Townline Road/Scharf Avenue or the other option into town via Pelican Avenue. The latter is unlikely. The council did not want to route snowmobiles down a county road without clarifying any potential issues.

“Snowmobiles have been in town here for 70 years and we’ve all owned ‘em and we all ride ‘em; where do they go? I think, as a council, one thing is try to put them in the safest location,” said Council Member Bruce Albright.

Albright also mentioned the money snowmobile traffic brings into town, calling it a “boost to our economy on the weekends in the winter.”

Neither route is perfect with each having potential property and safety concerns, and speed concerns. Pelican Avenue is also treated and maintained by the county, while the proposed south side of Scharf Avenue contains steep ditches. A new route is needed since developments in the Lawrence Lake Acres closed the former trail.

“A good portion of that farmland is trees and a sharp ditch so we know they’re going to have to be up on the road for a good portion,” said Mayor Julie Bruhn.

The city council also expressed a need to communicate with Otter Tail County before making a decision, along with a full review of the contract by the city attorney.

The trail is for snowmobiles only during winter. The trail association will be installing signs.

The council did agree to select one point of contact on the council to deal with the association directly in the event of any damage or incidents that occur.

The city’s snowmobile ordinance has direct routes through town for sleds including:

• From CSAH 17 on the west side of right-of-way to the business district on 1st street and or East Lake ST following the direction of traffic to CHAS 60 to the north or southside of right-of-way of direction of traffic.

• From West Lake St following the direction of traffic to CSAH 17 on the west side right-of-way to the business district on 1st street or east lake street following the direction of traffic to CSAH 60 to the north or south side of right-of-way. Of the direction of traffic.

• From Old Detroit Rd to CSAH 60 to the right- of- way on north or south side to the business district

The snowmobile season runs from Dec. 1 to March 31. The trail is a snowmobile season-only trail. The route redesign contract is perpetual.

Once an agreement is made, a contract will be signed between the association and the city, in which either party can get out if so desired. The contract will be made available to the public on the city’s website.

Mayor Bruhn stated a decision will be made in November, unless an urgent situation arises, say two feet of snow, when a special meeting will be scheduled.

Event Center

The Event Center committee surveyed area business owners that use the Event Center kitchen on the lack of an oven or stove. The responses were that they all would like to use an oven. The problem was the Event Center did not have the budget to purchase one.

“After the meeting, a miracle kind of happened,” said Committee Chair Natalie Fischer.

The Event Center received a $15,000 donation from T.I.P for the continuation of remodeling the Event Center kitchen. Vanessa Perry, Vergas Community Club Representative of the Vergas Event Center Advisory Board, arranged for the donation.

“The committee had already done some legwork on looking at ovens and stoves and took into consideration those surveys that were turned in,” said Fischer.

The committee met again to accept the donation and agree on a commercial stove and oven purchase for $7,223.

Loren Menz was contacted for a quote to fix the wall around the dishwasher. He quoted under $3,000 for the project, leaving $4,800 left from the donation.

The council unanimously approved a new committee member Jake Jacoby, accepted the resignation of Jay Norby, and approved the T.I.P. donation, the appliance purchases and the wall repair.


The end of Otter Tail County’s Big Build program at the end of the year prompted the EDA to recommend the city end its tax abatement program that coincides with the Big Build. Applications can still be submitted up to December 31. The program provides up to $15,000 refunded over five years ($10,000 throughout the county plus $5,000 if residence being built is located within a participating city).

There is one pending application and according to Lammers there are other interested parties. A public hearing will be held for current and other qualified applicants at 6:15 p.m. prior to the November 12 city council meeting.

Small Cities Development Grant

Vergas was awarded the Small Cities Development Grant in 2012 for $817,800 for Residential and Commercial repairs for ‘slum and blight’ conditions in Vergas and Dent. The final funds have been distributed as of Oct. 8, 2024. 

Lammers will be submitting the final reporting form and closing the program.


The Streets Committee recommended the approval of the Glenn Street extension in Lawrence Lake Acres. A field review of the project was held on Sept. 6.

The city has been informed that the work has now been completed, and the developer would like the city to accept the road. The acceptance will also include Oak Circle as a part of the city’s road system. 

It was noted the contractor/developer has not removed the silt fence from the City’s Lot 1/park. As part of the vote, the contractor will remove the fence. Acceptance of the roads should include language that the lot owners are responsible for mowing of the road right-of-way.

The council was asked about future calcium chloride treatments for the gravel of Glenn Street.

“From a streets perspective, our road policy procedures, right now, do not address calcium chloride,” said Chair Bruce Albright. “We’ve looked at what others have done in that regard.”

Albright stated the ordinances need to be amended regarding gravel treatment and duly noted he expects requests for roads in the Lawrence Lake Acres development to be made in the future to pave those roads.

Currently, streets will review each case based on a complaint and the merits of said complaint, according to Albright.

Issues in the city’s snow removal policy were also discussed. Streets and Personnel committees will be meeting in a workshop to give staff clear expectations on roles and duties involved.