To the Editor,

I may be getting old enough that I don’t go out to hunt – as much as I used to do. But having that freedom gave us something to look forward to every fall!

Now there seems to be a lot of concern on keeping our 2nd amendment rights. Though not the Primary reason – hunting is a great benefit of our “constitutional right to bear arms.” I ask hunters – do you value that right?

What concerns me is that I hear that during the last election many hunters did not vote. With early voting available, we can now vote early – then go hunting after doing your part to keep that freedom – that right we so value!

Yes – there have been efforts to undermine the 2nd Amendment. Years ago the saying – I couldn’t care less was often heard. That Is a scary attitude! If we don’t care enough to search out the candidate who best represents what is important to us, we fail ourselves. Then care enough to go vote! If we do not care enough, then we stand to lose what made this nation the best in the world!

Thanking God for those who cared enough to keep our nation free. 

David Pawlitschek, 
