Party withdraws offer to purchase Wolf Lake liquor store following counter offer
News | Published on December 10, 2024 at 4:58pm EST | Author: frazeevergas
0By Matthew Johnson
A counter offer from the city of Wolf Lake following a private party offer to purchase the Wolf Lake liquor store was accepted, but then the party withdrew its offer, according to Wolf Lake City Clerk Becky Lake.
Lake indicated that following a discussion about the private party offer during the Tuesday, Nov. 12, regular monthly meeting the party withdrew the offer leaving no offer on the table to purchase the bar. Attorney Charles Ramstad worked with the council to review the purchase agreement.
Ramstad has also been working with the council to draft an ordinance for the city concerning issuing liquor licenses to private parties in the city.
An inspection of the liquor store was conducted on Tuesday, Nov. 12, prior to the council meeting. Officials are also looking into having a survey done on the parcel of land where both the liquor store and the Wolf Lake Community Hall are located. The survey would be used in helping determine how to divide the parcel into two; one for the store and one for the community center.
More news on the city’s ongoing efforts to sell the liquor store may be published in the near future.
In other news
• Acknowledged the city’s receipt of a $10,000 grant from the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) to pay for a grant writer to assist the city in applying for a septic system upgrade grant. Plans include the city working with Moore Engineering to apply for a grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).
• Reviewed Nov. 5 election results. No individuals filed to run for election. Current Mayor Michelle Suhsen received the most write-in votes for mayor and she has signaled her intent to continue serving in that post. She received six write-in votes total. There were also two council seats being voted on; one for sitting Councilor Cassy Makela, who received four write-in votes, and a vacant council seat. Katie Lake received five write-in votes to serve on the council.
• Received a report from Wolf Lake Fire Chief Brock Anderson. Anderson reported the department responded to three service calls since the council’s October meeting. The department is seeking ideas from the townships on how to proceed with the possible purchase of a $436,000 fire truck. The department’s equipment fund is more than $100,000 short of the cost of the truck.
• Passed a motion approving the establishment of a separate fund for the warming house and trails enabling the city to receive grants/donations for this fund.
• Discussed the need for a fence around the new dumpster area. The new pad size is 18 feet by 25 feet, and a gate of that same size will be needed for the fence.
• Acknowledged that Wolf Lake Township has set up its own dumpsters near the Balmi Cemetery and plans were to begin using them by the end of November. Plans also include the township providing the city with a new lock and enough keys for Wolf Lake residents. The city has less of a need for dumpsters and plans on providing one large and one small dumpster and monitor whether or not that fits the city’s needs going forward.
• Regular monthly meetings of the Wolf Lake City Council are usually scheduled at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at city hall.